Hue Outdoor Motion Sensor (does it have a test mode)

I have a new (only) Hue Outdoor motion sensor. Paring with my C8 is no issue but getting the motion settings is a pia.

Is there a test mode for this sensor? When I checked the batteries there is a small hole marked "T" could that be a test mode button?

In addition, do I need to have some sort of secret clearance to view the function and attribute details? It seems Philips doesn't me to know anything about their product.


Check the device settings. Set the options to their listed defaults if not already set, save, refresh. Watch the Currrent States (upper right corner of device page) as you expose the sensor to movement/light, and then hide it in your lap/pocket or just turn it away from any activity. I just installed a v2 (back has push button reset switch), and reconfigured a v1 model (pinhole reset on back cover). I never messed with the hidden T hole on any of the 3 v1 models I've had.

...bob t

Thanks for the suggestion. However in my situation I need (wish) to test it In situ.

I don't have a light nearby that I can use as a monitor. If no other options exist then I will have to run an extension cord with a temporary light on it that I can see from the motion sensor field of "view".
Besides it annoys be that Philips doesn't have a manual beyond a few words on setup.

I read holding the setup button for 10 seconds will reset the device, however I've not tested this.

If you feel you should, delete the device in Hubitat, then reset it when ready to re-pair it. For this latest install, I chose to Find Buy Brand (Phillips Hue), Motion Sensor, Indoor Motion Sensor V2.

I've read of headaches with Hue sensors, but my 9 on a Hubitat-8 have been well behaved. . . [shrug]

...bob t

I had issues with the amount of time it took to get an initial firmware update that was needed on my v2 one's (paired to my hue bridge). May be worth trying a couple of the other tips here and on some of the other topics about these sensors.

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