I am getting great battery life on my Hue outdoor motion sensors. The battery is always at 100% on my device page, no matter how old or even dead the batteries really are.
Question: Can the Hue Outdoor motion detector report battery life? In other words is this a Hubitat problem or a Hue problem?
All of mine are reporting, and are still working so I don't know what the dead values are.
The device reports the percentage value as opposed to the voltage as most do, if that parameter isn't accurate not sure what to do about it.
Ditto. At least one of mine has been up for more than a year through Virginia Winters and Summer, still going strong, 100% battery. The Energizer bunny has nothing on my Hue Motion Sensors!
One of mine stopped reporting to my hub and the last report to the hub showed 100% battery. I replaced the batteries. I verified that the old ones were dead since I was puzzled that the batteries were reporting 100% yet the sensor was offline. The sensor came back online with fresh batteries and has been working fine since.
So the plot thickens... I grabbed a different Hue from my house, verified it has current Hue firmware and hooked it up to a variable power supply. The battery values DO change, both the raw values and the battery percent. The percent life is a bit conservative, but that is fine.
I have no idea what firmware my other motions have but I am guessing not the current one since they haven't been connected to a Hue Hub ever. Heck, maybe it was a faulty battery that went from good to dead in the heat of the summer. I dunno.
I think I'll wait until some others die and check at that time.
Otherwise my Hue outdoor motions have been rock solid.
ya i needed to connect my outdoor hue motion to the hub just to get a recent firmware update as there was an update to fix lux reporting..
you dont need to removre from hubitat. just reset it after f/w update and add back to hubitat. I did notice that is was added even though the add device didnt show it.. there seems to be a bug in that regards when re-adding zigbee devices that were never removed.
anyone have issues with frequent disconnects by hue outdoor motion sensors disconnecting and not reporting frequently. I'm new to HE, but I've had 2 that i've added recently that have disconnected a couple of times but have full batteries. Of course it makes sense they are quite far from the hub, but i have other zigbee devices that are far with no issues.
Mine are reporting OK I think - at least they are not 100% anymore
I have had disconnects but I have also seen some red light flashes which I now understand shows a connection failure so I guess I have a path issue - even though they are only 3m from the hub.
[feature request] Would there be a standard way of reporting Zigbee firmware version numbers to display on the devices page - and Z-Wave for that matter ?
Three thoughts. Are the batteries new or are they older yet and showing 100%? If not new, replace with new batteries. Other thoughts are putting a repeater device (ie outlet plug) near the motion sensors. Also, what kind of material is between the motion detector and the nearest node?