I just got a V2 Hue Motion Sensor that I want to use to turn on the lights in my front hallway, but only if it is dark enough to warrant that.
I paired it directly with Hubitat (even though I do have a Hue bridge) and the motion seems to be working just fine. I am running the latest C-7 firmware and using the logs to get some idea of what the lux threshold should be for my rules. To do so I went into the device on one screen and hit the "refresh" button while looking at the live logs on another screen.
I turned on the front hall light from my Hubitat dashboard, then hit the refresh button inside the device and checked the log, but it showed a lux of zero.
Shouldn't the refresh button have caused it to take a lux reading?
I wanted to be sure everything was working correctly so I pushed the config button, and everything passed:
With the lights on and motion detected I see I'm getting readings in the 3-5 level. (And the 3 level was when I was in the room and moving about)
I have a 75 watt high hat in the front hall, and 2 more high hats just beyond that.
So my question is: does a 3-5 lux level seem correct?
Do I need to go through the Hue bridge or are my settings wrong (see screen shot) or what?
Reported status
Report with no motion active and no lights ons and then after the motion was tripped
Here I was moving around in the room and it went down to 3 lux and sometimes 4 lux, which is where it was at.
Here are the preferences and settings:
I see the reporting is set to a 10 lux threshold. If the 3-5 level is correct should I set it to the 1 lux level?
Hi there. I'm new to Hubitat and home automation, but that won't stop me from sharing some thoughts!
From what I see here your hallway sensor isn't picking up much light. I have the outdoor Hue sensor (which I think is similar), and here is what I record:
I zoomed into a spike that occurred after sun-down. The motion detector triggered the entry lighting to turn on for a little while.
So I get about 8 lux. I admit, it's not very bright, but it's enough to see well.
So, my suggestion is to try changing your Lux Reporting setting to 1 lux. Let me know how this works!
The typical range that you will see on the indoor Hue sensor will be quite low. In my applications, 0-15 is common. Based on this small range, either set the Lux Reporting changes to a small value or try the log settings.
I am not certain how the device behaves in response to a Refresh command.
I have not tried an outdoor sensor for indoor use, or vice versa. My perception is that the outdoor sensor has a much higher sensitivity to light. The sunny and shady sides of my house are measuring 18,000 and 5,000 lux, respectively. The indoor sensor that is right inside a door with a window is measuring 13 lux. Not apples to apples, but you get the idea.
Thanks. Since I knew outside sunlight was in the 1,000's I figured inside would maybe be in the low 1,000's, or at least, in the 100's. Again, I know nothing about lux, like if it is like earthquakes that go up by factors of 10, etc. So maybe that is just how dark it is.
Here in "sunny" Florida we are having our typical mid-afternoon thunderstorms, so I'll just have to wait for the sunshine to actually return to see what it reads then.