I've got a Hue dimmer, which is working great for me, Reasonably cheap in the uk @ 17 quid. (If someone knows a better cheaper button in the uk then let me know! ) There are 6 buttons here with the hold capability on the middle 2, and the way i've set it up so far i have 6 rules in rule machine. This seems pretty heavy way to do things, but after searching here, i couldn't see anything to suggest a better way. Can someone tell me if either:
a, I'm doing it a sensible way,
b, tell the the thing i am missing so i can not have 6 rules per dimmer!
I haven't set one up myself in HE, but you could look at using conditional actions, i.e. IF-THEN-ELSE, potentially having different conditions for the different buttons. Alternatively, one of the built in lighting apps or a custom one from this forum might be easier to setup
I'm not sure i follow, When adding a new trigger to a rule i select "Button" and then pick the device, but there are then 2 mandatory field for button number and "Pushed/Held/DoubleTapped/released"
If i can make the trigger generic, how to i add the button that was pressed to a condition to use in an if statement as @sburke781 suggests?
Sorry, Being dim! Found Advance button Controller. I had thought it was the retired native button controller app. It seems to be fairly ok for what i want. 1 of the 6 buttons required me to keep a rule, but the rest are fine, and i suspect that will be the case in general!
As the poster above said, you want "Button Device" and not "Button" for this.
This is difficult to make work because the trigger becomes an issue (you won't get an event unless the attribute value it looks at changes in most cases). "Button Device" gives you the old Button Controller UI and subscribes to the relevant events to run your configured actions, and it's a lot easier to set up.
That's a great app! RM should still work as described above. I also wrote Dimmer Button Controller for use with lights, which I find useful when I want to use one button device to control the same light(s) and not have to specify it for every action like most other apps.
I posted this specifically because there was no "Button Device", but now there is... Is it possible that this option is added when ABC is installed? Either way, i'm very happy with how it;s working now. So thanks all,
Nope, that's not the reason. It's got nothing to with ABC. The "Button Device" RM trigger was added a few versions ago, to replace the older built-in Button Controller app.
I think that once you've setup a rule with some other trigger, I don't think you can then change the trigger type to Button Controller. You have to choose that while setting up the new rule. At least that's what I'm seeing in my own rules.