I have 3 bulbs in a group (Living Room). When all 3 lights are ON, the group indicates ON. We have a movie scene that will turn all but 1 light off (and that one is dimmed). The group then indicates off.
I'd like to have something set if 1 or more lights are on. Thoughts on how to configure?
I use the CocoHue integration and if 1 light is on in a group the state is that the group is on.
You could also not use the hue group but make a group in HE and select that if on light is on the group would be on.
CoCoHue works as described above (thanks for the shout-out!). When I was writing it, I tested the behavior of Hubitat's built-in Hue integration and found that it reports "on" only if all devices in the group are on. CoCoHue, again, reports on if any devices in the group are on (this is consistent with how the Hue app displays groups and I happen to like it better, plus it was easier to implement some features this way). Neither has an option to change this behavior, though I've always wondered if someone cared enough either way and would make me--luckily, you have preferences but prefer the way it already works.