Hue Automations - Mimic Presence

I've been looking into Mimic Presence for some time and thought I would share what I have discovered in case it's of use to anyone else.
Mimic Presence is a Hue built-in automation (no longer in Hue Labs). It's designed to turn on/off lights to make it look like someone is at home and does this based on the icons you have associated with various rooms in their app. So I guess that lights in the room with the bathroom icon will be turned on for shorter times than those in a room having the living-room icon. It can be activated via a hue button/switch or by sending an https message to the bridge.
Once you have connected to the bridge and gone through the authentication process, the a list of automations (which you have already configured in the hue app) can be retrieved by sending
https://[bridge address]/clip/v2/resource/behavior_instance
Each automation has a unique id which can be used to start/stop the automation.
Some automations, like Mimic Presence can be started/stopped by sending
https://[bridge address]/clip/v2/resource/behavior_instance/[unique id>]with body {"trigger":{"start":{}}} or {"trigger":{"stop":{}}}
These automations can be identified in the app by their Start/stop symbols - I'm not sure how to identify them via their behaviour_instance.
Some automations, like Wake Up can be started/stopped by sending
https://[bridge address]/clip/v2/resource/behavior_instance/[unique id] with body {"enabled": true} or {"enabled": false}
These automations can be identified in the app by their on/off toggle switch symbols.

I'm not a good enough programmer to write an app based on the above info. Maybe someone else could make use of it. :grinning: