Hue/Alexa Integration Errors

Edit - forgot to mention that I'm running the latest firmware

I don't know how long the option has been there but I only recently saw the option to include Hue devices in the Alexa App. I want to disable polling and run everything through the hub so I started the process of adding my individual bulbs, so they could be shared with Alexa (only had a few added previously because the rest were part of Hue groups...which unfortunately can't be shared with Alexa). All was going well till I noticed this in my logs.

Shortly after my hub became very slow and I sensed a lock up on the way so I did a restart. It took 3 tries for the restart to actually process. The errors were still occurring after the restart, so I unchecked the offending Hue Office bulbs from Alexa. All appeared to be stable.

I then readded the bulbs to see if the issue reoccured. It did and I disabled them again. I will await instruction from support at this point.

Can't see from the cropped screen shot but which app is throwing those errors?

Amazon Echo Skill

I tried to add my lightstrips a few minutes ago. Same error started popping up.

I saw the same thing for a brief moment on a group I never use. I did an action, off, on it and the error stopped.

It's an issue, but for a workaround just update that group with a command and the error should stop.

These are individual bulbs and I tried turning them on and off. Very delayed response in the logs and it didnt help.

that won't fix it, until I get the skill updated these errors will persist.
For now any and all Hue groups are going to produce errors like this.

These are individual bulbs and not groups. They are part of a group...but the errors above are for the bulbs themselves.

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@mike.maxwell @patrick
I need a question answered because I'm not even sure if my current changes are going to stick and my lights are a mess at the moment...wife not happy.

My plan was to have all my hue lights controlled via hubitat...not paired directly...still controlled via the hue hub. Just all control be routed through hubitat so I could disable polling. First step was to remove the Alexa/Hue integration...a PITA but google got me sorted out. I then added all the bulbs individually so they could be shared with Alexa via the hubitat skill. That's where I ran into the issue in the OP. Now I'm wondering if this is even worth it so my question is:

Are there plans to allow hubitat hue groups to be discovered by the Alexa skill. Currently creating groups in Alexa based on individual bulbs cause the popcorn effect...or is there a method to prevent popcorning via the HE hub?

we have a hot fix in testing to sort the original issue.
Hue groups just look like a typical RGBW bulb, so they "should" work in Alexa.

I just finished removing all the individual bulbs and was about to reenable the Alexa/Hue direct discovery. I will test groups again but I'm pretty sure it didn't work .

:+1: now I feel like an idiot :yum:
It worked.
What a relief...I dont have to reenable the direct integration yet. As long as we can control the groups via Alexa we are good at least for today. WAF disaster overted. Thanks for making me retest @mike.maxwell