How do I send a HubSoapAction to a particular ip and port? There is no documentation for HubSoapAction - but the call does exist. HubAction has a (Map, dni, options) version of the call, but that version is not working on HubSoapAction..
does not generate any response on the parse method.. Assuming it is not sending to the ip specified in host header. I don't know where to specify the ip and port to send it to..
Also, I am trying to do this in an app rather than device.. The documentation I THINK says you can only do sendHubCommand from devices not apps - is that correct? If that is the case, I will need to create a device driver just to do the communication.
So I assume the headers map and req also come out as expected in the debug log....? From what I've read it could have something to with the contents of the header.
Yeah, thanks that was it.. I removed my content-length and content-type headers and used the contentType param instead and it seems to have gone through! Thanks for your help!!