Hubitat Z-Wave Exclusion not working

Sounds odd, but if you do a Hub shutdown (not reboot) and unplug the power after red light for 30 seconds, then reboot the hub, I had much better luck getting my Schlage locks to exclude.

That's typically how you force a rebuild of the Zigbee routing.

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cries I can't get this damn BE469 working again. It's paired. It thinks it's paired. HE thinks it's paired, but it won't respond at all, doesn't update to physical interaction, etc.

Got an email into support, but given others having issues with these locks, I wouldn't be surprised if it's just confirmation stuff isn't working.

Do the logs show any activity when you hit "Configure" in the Device Settings?

oddly, yes. So... it seems like Reliable Locks may be causing some issue. I unpaired the one I had for the front door from it, and the lock started responding...

Though, only briefly, it's back not responding again....

You do know you have to have the hub literally beside EACH lock when pairing, right?

Did it pair securely?

It did. Interesting your says "Schlage".

deviceType: 25409
zwaveSecurePairingComplete: true
inClusters: 0x22,0x72,0x7A,0x98,0x86
deviceId: 20548
manufacturer: 59

OK, just checking. Without the zwaveSecurePairing it just sits there - won't do a thing.

Mine is an FE599 but I think they are very similar.

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Have a feeling my zwave mesh is just flooded with commands at the moment. going to give it a few...

That is what mine shows also, and mine work fine.....I would also run a zwave repair as well

Have you tried srwhite's hack with the driver? I have no way of knowing for sure, as he did it for the FE599, but it may also work on the BE369. I think they are very similar. My lock has worked so much better since I did that. Of course, you have to get it paired first . . .

Same clusters . . .

Yes and all 3 of mine all work fine after I spent an entire day re-pairing/configuring, and nailed down the process that seemed to actually work, which I posted yesterday on the Schlage problems thread.

In case you want to try it and I'm not around, here's a link to the driver swap described by srwhite:

have a link to srwhite's work?

It's not turning up... but I'm also flustered and may not be patient enough to look too hard.


That looks like it, yes. The idea is, once the lock is connected, switch to this driver and hit Configure on the device page. This will send the initialization parameters to the lock (using the ST parameters), then switch the driver back (and don't hit Configure). Your lock will be configured the way the ST driver configured it. There seems to be some value (or values) that are different and make for different (better) performance. You have to install the driver as it is not one of the built-in drivers but that's a pretty easy process and well-documented here.

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don't want to take over this thread. let's move this over to schlage thread...

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