Hubitat - Z-Wave Details table empty

Hello HE Community !

I am new here, but I have been looking at available posts for days with no results. Finally, I decided to join the community and ask the question myself.

I am using HE and currently have more than 100 devices. Mostly Zooz (Zen77, Zen 76 and Zen 32), Hue smart bulbs (integrated through Hue Bridge Integration, and Sonoff (motion sensors and few outlets as repeaters). I have been having some very strange slow responsiveness (Homekit -> Homebridge/Hoobs -> HE) that I am investigating (but that is not the subject here) which led me to explore the HE Settings. I identified and tried to remove some "ghost device" and almost won that war (still have one). However, since then, my Z-Wave details table is empty.

I have tried more than 5 times the suggested approach of Shutting down the bridge and restarting it and it works. I see all the devices, but they disappear again few hours later.

Is there anything else I can do?

That part is not ok. Tagging @support_team


A collapsed Z-Wave radio is never ok, even if it's a one off, but it can be tolerated. Multiple occurances is pretty unheard of, and certainly a cause for great concern. Be sure to open a warranty case (Z-Wave offline option) by filling out the form on the following page:


Thanks ! I have just submitted the form.

@bobbyD , I received my new HE. I started today the migration (excluding from the old hub and including them into the new one). However, when I switch off the new hub and turn it on again (I have to move it to get closer to some of the Zooz devices), all the devices and apps installed disappear. The second time I even took a backup before shutting down, all devices and apps disappeared, and the backup did not help. Is there something I am missing here ?

That is odd, never heard of that before. I don't think the backup would work, as this sounds more like some sort of UI/ browesr issue than anything. Send me your new hub's id and we will take a look. What browser are you using?

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@YBee How are you shutting the hub down? Are you just unplugging it or are you doing a clean shutdown from the settings menu? If the former then that can cause corruption and you would have a problem as you describe because the database is pooched.

My Hub ID is : < edited by moderator >. I am using both Google Chrome (on PC) and Safari (on iOS and MacOS devices). Both give the same results.
Also, I started by easy integrations first (Rachio, Philips Hue Bridge and Sonos) before starting to pair Z-Wave (Zooz) devices. Everything disappeared both times I have shutdown HE except the list of rooms I created,

I am using the clean shutdown (Setting -> Shutdown) and I wait until it says that it is now safe to unplug the hub.

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Please PM bobby your details, do not post your hub id in public