I got a kick out of realizing that my $100 hub, well integrated Alexas and some time and thought can do all of this and probably even more at what I assume will be a fraction of the cost....
Not impressed...wonder what the price tag is on that thing? Why doesn't it know he's home before he says so? And Josh...can we rename it? If I have to do everything by voice I want to pretend I'm talking to a celebrity or something. "Ok Danica Patrick, I'm home". "Hey Bill Shatner, turn on the TV". "Ok Charlize Theron, set the mood"
Yea, cost ?
Whole different market. Here you are paying for the services of an installer to set up a turnkey whole home system and support it. The cost of Josh will be a small part compared to the total price.
The real question, is their AI really that much better than the big boys, being specialized around HA might give it an advantage. Most of the site is marketing without proof.
Biggest con: you are totally reliant on them staying in business and their AI servers staying online with enough power to support all customers. Keeping a Big Data, Machine Learning AI engine supplied with enough computing power and data storage is not a cheap proposition.
Josh though. This is getting weird. Every AI company is going to have a different figurehead with a different personality. "Corporations are not people"
Josh ask Alexa to tell Siri to let Google know it's time to start the Roomba!
I'd like to call mine "Passepartout"
I did some digging online and it looks like Josh costs around $15,000 - $20,000 without installation labor and sensors/devices.
My Hubitat Hub + Alexa Echo are looking pretty sweet right now!
Nice if you can get it. But like I said a small part of completely automating a house like is shown in the video. Remember their tagline "Sophisticated AI for the Luxury Home"
I'm not defending the product, just pointing out that the target customer base is one who would not suffer the challenges of including a zwave device, they'll pay for somebody to do that.
"Reach out to see if Josh is right for you.". Translation: "Send your bank statements to us to see if you're right for Josh"
Ironically probably using Amazon Web Services
Josh: I'm not an owl!
you're are probably correct, especially as a startup or test bed. At a certain point it make financial sense to pull it in house.