Hubitat told me about dirty bathroom fan :D

Here is a, maybe, a small Hubitat win, and the fact that data rulez!

I just installed humidity sensors in my two washrooms, and put smart switch on the exhaust fan in both bathrooms. I then installed the Hubitat app to turn on bathroom fan, if there was humidity more than X% over my Nest reported humidity. For fun, I also plotted the humidity levels of both my bathrooms on Hubigraph.

After a few days, I noticed that after my kids took a bath, the humidity levels of my bathroom 1 would drop very quickly after fan kicks on...but for bathroom 2, the humidity used to remain high for a longer duration. That made my wonder if the exhaust fan cover/grill was just dirty? So I took it out and cleaned the bathroom 2 fan cover/grill. Well, from next time I could see the humidity of my bathroom 2 fall down much quicker than before!!

In the graph below:
1 = Bathroom 1 humidity after kids shower
2= Bathroom 2 humidity after kids shower
3 = Bathroom 2 humidity after fan clean!



Does that mean the kids using bathroom 2 are dirtier than the kids using bathroom 1?


Experiment was conducted in reasonably controlled environment. Same specimen took bath in both bathrooms to minimize changing variables.