All of a sudden, my Hubitat is no longer functioning, no led light is lit.
What a re the trouble shooting steps to get it back up?
Im a novice user, but can follow directions.
All of a sudden, my Hubitat is no longer functioning, no led light is lit.
What a re the trouble shooting steps to get it back up?
Im a novice user, but can follow directions.
If you have no led lit then it sounds like a power problem to me. Can you check/replace the power supply and power supply leads.
I think that would be my starting point.
Yeah what @bobbles said! Sadly that happened to me on a C-4.. Mine was dead.
If you get it back running you might want to consider (if you haven't already) adding a power backup like a UPS or mini UPS. Also when pulling the plug, do it from the plug side not the hub side.
thanks, swapped supply didnt work, but the cord did!
I use this to power my Hubitat and a "companion server". The "companion server" is a Raspberry PI with software on it like Homebridge to allow HE devices to appear in Apples Home environment..
So you just swapped the power supply then and all good?
Yup, it was the usb cord.