Hubitat™ SmartThings Integration requested feature

This is fantastic! Now I can use Hubitat for almost all of my functionality. I am missing one thing. I have an integration with my Alarm System and my SmartThings. In that it uses a 'Switch' (on) for ArmedStay and a 'Lock' (Locked) for ArmedAway. I can now determine if the system is ArmedStay. The new SmartThings Integration does not have a 'Lock' capability so I cannot determine it the system is ArmedAway? Is there anyway to have that added, or guide me in how I can add that? With that I have full functionality while I work on getting the remaining (Cloud based and Alarm System) devices into Hubitat.


Sure, we could add Lock to that. That could be in the next release. Another option would be to add SHM events to it directly.

And please add something for Konnected… which I think just integrate into SHM…?

I don’t know what Konnected is.

Konnected is similar to HubDuino/ST_Anything, but focuses on alarm panel replacement using an ESP8266. It relies on ST’s Smart Home Monitor, or similar, to act as the engine for alarming.

I had misunderstood and thought that the single directionality of this integration referred to not being able to mirror a Hubitat device to ST (hence the other app) . However it also means that the virtual device in Hubitat can’t be controlled and update the real device in ST. Is there a technical reason why this is not possible, or hasn’t been implemented ? It would seem to be a very useful feature whilst migrating.

Are the built in Hubitat apps open source and the code published anywhere or is it closed ?

(edited to correct ST/Hubitat location of the virtual device…)

What if we were to map SHM events into Hubitat Safety Monitor events? Would that do the trick?

I think you mean a virtual device in Hubitat cannot be manually controlled and update the real device in ST. That is correct. That is what is meant by single direction from ST to Hubitat.

Our purpose here was to allow ST to continue to generate sensor events and send them to Hubitat as one is migrating from ST. That presumes that you are moving actuator devices, switches and dimmers, from ST to Hubitat, while some sensors remain in ST. So, for example, it would make no sense to manually generate a contact closing in a virtual contact sensor in Hubitat and have that do something in ST where the real contact sensor is.

Yes sorry, you’re correct I did mean virtual in Hubitat…

The reason I asked is (for an unavoidable reason) I have some Z-Wave devices I must leave on ST but I wanted to control them via a virtual device on Hubitat. Same I suppose could be said of Hue lights currently but I know you’ll have a hub driver soon too. There maybe a few ST ‘controllable’ cloud devices that crop up too where a driver isn’t yet available on Hubitat so a virtual device in Hubitat that updated ST would be useful.

There are other less integrated ways to accomplish this but I had hoped it was going to be neatly achieved with the inbuilt app/virtual device.

As far as I know, Konnected is not aware of SHM (although I could be wrong.) It consist of an OAUTH Service Mgr App apps that performs LAN device discovery of the ESP8266, and then creates virtual contact sensors and a siren device. The ESP8266 sends updates via OUATH to the SmartApp, and the siren is activated via a hubaction (I think).

That’s it. So, no SHM events are really needed. I think users of Konnected would simply use Hubitat Safety Monitor as a replacement for SHM.

Any Konnected users who want to move to Hubitat could do so today using my HubDuino software, using their existing Konnected hardware.

OK. Yes, it’s way beyond the scope of our SmartThings Integration.

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Sorry to bump up an old topic, but I have an update here. Nate from Konnected here. I've ported over the Konnected apps and drivers and now Konnected works 100% with Hubitat!

@ogiewon is correct that Konnected isn't aware of SHM and is not directly tied to any ST-only concepts. This means it works perfectly with Hubitat and Hubitat Safety Monitor just as well. Here are the open-source apps and drivers for you to load into your Hubitat instance:

To install, load the apps and drivers into your Hubitat instance. Enable OAuth on the Konnected Service Manager app, and when you go to Load New App choose Konnected (Connect) and follow the same discovery and setup process as in ST.


Hello Nate,

It works, thanks, what's about Noonlight? Can we get the code too? Again, thanks!

Still working on Noonlight, but it's coming. This one is a little more involved because there is a cloud component and coordination to be done on Hubitat's side.

Actually the DH and app for Noonlight installed straight with no modifications, but when doing the registration the last step in the browser that said registration was completed and press done, no done button was available :sob:

This won't work for Hubitat yet. Some changes to the back-end service are still needed.

Patience please.

Yeah yeah, I know, just kidding. Thank you!

I've created a new topic for Konnected discussion here:

Thrilled to join the Hubitat community!

Updating this old thread to link to the newly released Noonlight integration for Hubitat since it was asked about here.