It could be an earlier update i havent checked it in a while.
but it comes up with a blank page.. no errors in the logs either..
Hmmm, yeah, I'm getting the too. There was a small fix to it, but it shouldn't have caused that. Will look into it further.
Welp, I know what did that... Fix is in, just have to get it released...
In the meantime, if you roll back to 142, it works.
export still seems to work ok on safety manger i successfully exported just now.
Fix is out in Release HSM still worked, just the UI was borked.
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Same results
Did you update to
Fixed it for me.
Sorry, I downloaded .143 earlier today because I had an alert. I just checked for updates and saw .144 was available (but no notification badge). Both hubs installing it now.
I can now see the HSM page and everything appears as it once did.
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