Ok, everybody, I am learning. Lol.
Now, I have gotten to where I think I should be at this point. (The start or re-start!) LOL
I used the diagnostic part (ip address:8081) and first I told it to download the update. It took a while, but it finally finished.
Next, I clicked on reboot hub, and after it restarted, I tried the IP and nothing.
So, I loaded the diagnostic program back again, and this time, I pushed the restor previous version, and 184 was there, so I selected it. It installed and rebootd and now i can get back into the hub, so just to make sure i had not messed it up, i did do a full reset and so far, all is good.
Well, I waited a ɓit to send this mesage to make sure I was correct with my settigs. It apears so. I am able to install hubitat package manager and from there i loaded some tuya apps.
Again, thank you everyone,
I understand we (noobs) can get on your nerves sometimes, probably more often than not).
I believe some of the problem was me, but I also think there was some leftover something in the hub tha was messing with me until I did the full reset of the systm and started over.
Now, steep learning curve here I come!