Hubitat only detects 6 of 25 of my Kasa devices

I have eero router with 2 hotspots. When I go into Kasa integration, it doesn't detect any new devices beyond the original 6 devices that I added last year even though I added 19 new devices. What am I missing? Eero mesh access point should put my computer in the same subnet on the LAN. anyone has this issue? I even delete the Kasa app and reisntall but it only see 6 devices. I tried to add manually from cloud, Hubitat sees the devices and added them but Hubitat can't control the devices at all nor getting status. Very frustrated.

Are the Kasa devices successfully connected to your Wi-Fi network?

LAN Integration

It could be multiple IP segements (I.e., 192.168.50 is a segment). If so, the integration app allows you to modify the segments.



Cloud Integration

This may be due to two-factor authentication enabled on your Kasa Cloud Account. If enabled, the cloud integration does not work.

Yes. It works fine with Alexa and kasa app

I donโ€™t have mfa

this was the issue. my eera span the subnet to 192.168.5. so i had to change the lan configuration

Also an Eero user and also had to include TWO segments to be able to find all my Kasa devices. Be sure to check this and fix it.