Hubitat not working properly

Not a problem. But everything below is zigbee-specific.

It will appear as a direct child device under the "Child Data" section of the getChildAndRouteInfo page.

In my experience, most zigbee 3.0 devices are good repeaters. I am particularly fond of the TuYA USB zigbee repeater and the Sonoff CC2652P zigbee USB dongle re-flashed to be work as a repeater.


To add to what @aaiyar said, here's a link to a post I made a while back with some info about the getChildandRouteInfo table. 99.9% of HE users won't find this useful :pensive: so Hubitat doesn't document it, but questions about it pop up from time to time: Zigbee issues - #22 by Tony


Just a little bit of typing in the search bar in this forum can be very profitable, for example below searching on "good repeater." You can add in specifics like "Z-wave" or "Zigbee" to further target your searches. 99% of the time any question we come up with has been asked before, usually multiple times. :slight_smile:


This is super useful. Is there an overview of how to interpret this file ( getChildAndRouteInfo) . I am having the same issues, and when i read the file I can see that I have a very unhealthy zigbee mesh... what I don't know is how to interpret the different parameters so that I can better find a solution.

Main questions are:
Where do I see if a device is connected to the hub directly or to a repeater?
What does the Age mean?
What does inCost and outCost mean
How can I tell how many "hops" there are between a device and the hub

Backstory for me is:
I moved house and brought with me a lot of the devices... after some expected instability for the first few weeks, everything stabilized. Now after 6 months of working flawlessly, i have having issues.... I have subsequently removed most of the mesh, and am starting to rebuild it, but want to know how to understand the file, so I can make better decisions (or diagnostics) during the rebuild.

If you are using zigbee repeaters (or any other mains connected zigbee device) does it have to be paired with the hub or just powered on?


Has to be paired with the hub.

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I think I finally get the idea of a Zigbee mesh. Thank you so much for your help. All my devices seem to be working properly and, if I have troible again, I now know where to look. I owe you a dinner the next time you’re in Ft Myers, Florida.


LOL - I had to read this a couple times, at first I thought you were trying to correct his grammar! :wink: :rofl: