Hubitat interface with rs232

I’m need to connect this rs232 device to the hubitat. Is I possible and how can it be done.
Could something like this adaptor work (LAN TCP/IP to RS232)

I appreciate the help.


Most probably no. Hubitat hub while having usb-host feature does not provide drivers and access to support usb-uart (and usb hubs) directly. Nor it has groovy API support for it.

The devices I know on the marked are uart-ethernet adapters (they are not bidirectional but rather provide ethernet functionality for MCU based solutions without built-in ethernet)

The only way I can imagine is to build custom DIY device that will behave as some sort of gateway
Basically any MCU solution (ESP, Arduino with uart-ethernet module or even raspberry).
Not a simple option for people not familiar with DIY electronic designs. Will require HW, firmware and a custom hubitat driver to put everithing together.

I have pretty much the same goal with Panasoic ACs (a custom DIY ESP32 based module so I could connect my ACs as thermostats trough WiFi locally [avoiding Panasonic cloud service])

One way is to use the Dr Haas board here . It will allow you to connect a UART signal to the Hubitat via the built in Zigbee board. You will however have to write your own driver.

I have several of these performing various functions and found them to be very solid.