Hubitat firmware update frequency

Ok, will do :slight_smile:


No one is trying to turn this into a confrontation, and you don’t have to justify anything to me (or anyone else).

It’s just that from what you have shared with us so far, it’s hard to tell how rewriting rules would actually do anything helpful for you.

If the IFs are “inefficient” but your old rules accomplish your goals, does it matter?

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Of course. But you started this digression and you made statements that just aren’t true re: old vs. new versions of rule machine.

That’s all I’ll say about it now. Best of luck with your rule writing.


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More often the need to rewrite the rules in RM5 and later, is not because the existing rule in RM Legacy is inadequate, but because of variables. Try to write a rule in RM5.1 that uses one of your GV from RM Legacy. You can, of course, make a hub variable, that is virtually identical to the GV, but that quickly becomes messy, especially if you want the variable displayed on a dashboard.

So you if you used a lot of GV in RM4 and earlier, and you want to make a lot of new rules using the same variables, you basically have three options:

  1. Keep using Rule Machine Legacy and simply clone a rule, delete its contents, and make your new rule in RM Legacy.
  2. Make the new rule in RM and create a virtually identical hub variable. In essence having two variables on your HE that are suppose to act as one, but don't.
  3. Move the rules over to RM5 (or later) and recreate the variable as a hub variable, and recreate the rules that use said variable.

I know the option I am choosing. But each to their own.

I guess it would be the icing on the cake to have a way to translate rules into another version :slight_smile:

Perfection stops progress. We are not perfect, but surely we are committed to progess :wink:


@darthy_sanchez There are multiple threads by Bruce discussing why this translator is not practical to implement. It is a time and resource limitation of a small team. Basically it boils down to:

  • You get your "translator" app, and few or no other improvements and updates.
  • You get no "translator" app, and get improvements and updates.

Most people would say to give us updates and improvements, and we can live with the old RM rules and rewrite them IF needed.


"Perfection" is the enemy of "done"...

It is always good to strive for perfection though even if you don't get there. Knowing when to move on is the key.


Now this is the first honest answer on this topic. Well done, sir! How did you manage not to inquire about my reasons and just let it go? Maybe you can share your secret to the others

Yes. Icing is just that - something you do when you've finished making all the cakes.

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This is really becoming an unproductive thread. This issue has been talked to death in the past and the reasons by the team stated time and again.


The reasons have been stated by the devs in several other threads.... Not just "It works as is" even though that is a valid reason. It's like getting a new car... Previous accessories aren't always going to fit. Throwing a tantrum isn't going to change that nor be productive.


I thought this thread was about "Hubitat firmware update frequency". Cannot agree more that it would have been much shorter if it was about updating legacy rules.


This thread has drifted into other subjects that have been previously discussed.