Hubitat Documentation Website Reliability

As much as I like the Hubitat concept and want to use and support it I am becoming highly frustrated with the unavailability of the "compatible devices" documentation. What has happened that a basic bit of documentation vital to support the platform has become such a problem?

How / Where are you trying to access the list?

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When the Hubitat website first loads there is a "tutorials" section. I select the "Compatible Devices" option under there.

I see what you mean, I see a connection timeout error after opening the website, selecting Tutorials and then the Compatible Devices "tile" (I like the look-and-feel of the main website btw....).

If I click on the Documentation link at the top right of the HE Community (depending on the type of view you use),

I see the Device Compatibility List and can open it:

All that said, I agree, the main site does need to be fixed. I just hope you can use this as an alternative in the meantime.

@bertabcd1234 any input on this?

Thanks for the update. I guess it is just a "housekeeping" kind of issue. I started with Hubitat around 5 years ago and became accustomed to the older path to the information.

No worries. Still good to keep the more recent links to the same information operational... So good to raise it so newer users have links that are working.

Thank you for bringing this up to our attention. We have moved the Documentation to a new home and missed updating the link on the Tutorials page. We will get it fixed right away.

UPDATE: @acampbel could you please try again and confirm that is now working as expected?


The Tutorials link is now working for me, hope the same is true for @acampbel ...


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