Hubitat Developer Tools stopped publishing to Hubitat

Hi guys,

I have successfully used the Hubitat Developer Tools in VSCode to publish apps to Hubitat for almost a year now. An excellent feature that I have come to rely on. Comming back after a pause in the deveoplemt of Hubitat apps I noticed that the publishing no longer works.

Any and all thougths appreciated!

What happens when you try to transfer?

  • Basically nothing. No messages, nada.
  • If I do mouse over the extension I can see an error: 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'scheme')'

And I can see these. I get one every time I try to publish it seems.

Did you try the Hubitat - Check Hub Connection command?

  • Yes and it seems to be connected


Did you try the Hubitat - Clear all config command?

  • Yes, I have no idea what config that is but I tried. Semingly nothing happened.

What has changed since it last worked?

  • I had an incident where I needed to brute force shut down of the hub and reconnect it. On reconnect it was allocated a new IP address. I have updated the new IP address in HDT. I have also added the IP address in the DHCP settings in the router on a suggestion to prevent the IP address to shift again.
  • I have installed some updates on Hubitat
  • I installed some other ESP32, ESP-IDF related plugins in VSCode which I have used unrelated to Hubitat.

Have you tried anything else?

  • I uninstalled and reinstalled the HDT in VSCode

Again, all thoughts and ideas welcome!


I knew about this extension but I never tried it. I did add it just now to see if it is working, and it is working for me.


I'm currently on

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Mine is working as well. Maye you remember, but if you have any non-runtime errors in your code, it will spit out an error similar to what you're seeing and it won't upload. So you have to debug and rid yourself of those non-runtime errors before it will upload. That's kinda what it looks like to me without knowing more.

Yes, I am not surprised, it is a great functionality and it has been very stable. Untill now.

Thanks Justin. The thing is, I have a parent child type setup with one parent and seven child apps and I haven't really changed anything in the code in those. The only thing I did now was to add a new child app. So transfering the other working apps should work fine, but don't.

When I start VSCode I can see that the Espressif software is really 'dominant' and starts up and seems to take precidence of VSCode. I am not a professional user of VSCode so I don't know if it is common that different development tools affect each other?