Hubitat Dashboard customization

It could be the way you are accessing the dashboard... let me check...

I am thinking you have hub security setup in some way.... Do you know if this is the case? Some kind of logon you need to do each time you upload a file?

Well, I am accessing Dashboards from HE main menu.
I guess, this is very common and simplest way to access Dashboars.

Yes, this is very true statement.
Well, not for uploading (accessing) files but for login into HE.

Ok, that explains it then... I need to put a note on the instructions / description of the tool about that and look at what I can do to try and support it, if it is possible.

Was about to ask you the question @thebearmay :slight_smile: Can it be done? Guessing if it can you would have it in the utility you setup...

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Reading requires the security cookie to be passed as a header. Writing, surprisingly enough doesn't. Should only be a minor modification to your code.

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I am surprised. It looks like nobody who used Simple CSS Editor is
not using Login/Password for accessing HE? Sounds a bit strange.

The configuration files were not written.

You could be right... maybe I was a little quick in saying that security explains it, was assuming the redirection error (HTTP 302) was due to being re-directed for a logon of some sort...

I see your git-hosted example includes the security stuff, I'll take a look at that... Thanks.

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What browser are you using?

Google Chrome

Actually, if you could read out the editor html file, i.e. to display it on screen, I would expect that may rule out security as being the issue.... That also get's stored locally, written by the driver... Then read out on the dashboard via an iFrame... It must be something else....

I guess, this is OK (first file in a list):

Although, the driver would be running on the hub itself, so would probably be seen as not requiring authentication, potentially the same could be true for the editor iFrame displayed on the dashboard.... Hmm....

I plan on looking at the editor a bit more over the next few days. I'll see what I can figure out with this issue. Unless someone else can come up with a reason for the 302 errors...

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