Hubitat C-7 keeps disconnecting

Yup. But that can be fixed. Tagging @bobbyD - can you give PM permission to @gijoehosaphat ?


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This weems like my problem too. When installing switches of course you are cutting power to parts of the house. Likely i cut power to the hub, and now i have this issue. My concern is, will this happen every time my power goes out?!

Hi. Can you share how to fix when you cant connect to the hub? Thanks!

It is recommended highly to put your hub on a UPS.

  • Every time? No, probably not.
  • Much higher chance of corruption any time you kill power to the hub? Yes, definitely.

Like any computer (even a mini pc like this) I would recommend putting it on a small UPS.


There are different reasons one might not be able to connect to the hub, so there isn't one solution that fits all problems. I will try to list a few common scenarios that may prevent a user from accessing the hub's interface and common solutions:


  1. hub interface is not accessible when user is connected to cellular service, not local network. Solution: enable Wi-Fi and connect to local network.
  2. hub interface is not accessible when the device used to access the hub is on a different network segment (subnet) than the hub. Solution: connect the device to the same network as the hub. Workaround: use a different device to access the hub.
  3. Router's firewall is preventing access to the hub. Solution: check router's settings to make sure is not blocking the access to the hub.
  4. Ethernet cable is not working properly. Solution: replace Ethernet cable.
  5. Hub's Ethernet speed is set to auto-negotiation and the network switch is not properly handling the speed. Solution: change negotiated connection speed between the Ethernet adapter and Hubitat to fixed 100 Mbps.

Note: for networking related issues, Diagnostic Tool is also not accessible


If the database becomes corrupted for any reason, usually the Diagnostic Tool is accessible. To resolve this problem, performing a Soft Reset is the only way to remedy the situation. Follow instructions in below document.

Note: be sure to load a backup when the reset is completed, so that devices, rules and settings are restored, otherwise the hub will be blank and your adrenaline will go through the roof.


A battery with pass through charging works well as a UPS for small devices. Here are some examples, although I'm not endorsing any of them in particular.


Interesting, I have seen passthru units, that do not work. Despite being passthru they do have a momentary blip when switching, which is not acceptable for the hub.