Hubitat behind reverse proxy: No live page updates

Hey, all. I have a Hubitat that's working great. C-7, version However, I'm running into a problem when trying to put it behind a reverse proxy. (Of note: It's not accessible over the broader internet. I just want to have all of my internal devices reachable at real URLs with real certificates on them while I'm on my internal network. And Hubitat's internal TLS support isn't what I want, because I want LetsEncrypt certs that I can auto-renew.) I'm using Apache2 to do the proxying, because I'm old.

After reading other posts on this forum, I made sure that Apache is proxying to https://ipofmyhubitat rather than http://ipofmyhubitat. I have ProxyPassReverse on as well, and have instructed Apache to not check the peer CN or expiration. With all this set, everything appears to work...except I realized that pages don't update automatically. Like, logs don't get added as I'm watching the logging page. If I'm at a device page and press a button on the device, it doesn't show up until I refresh. This works fine when I go directly to https://ipofmyhubitat or http://ipofmyhubitat; it's only broken through the reverse proxy.

So...what's going on? Is there some setting that might help? Is this an unsupported configuration?


Here's a guess: the (live) Logs page uses a websocket to load content in real time. I haven't used Apache for this so don't know exactly what your options are, but likely something like enabling websockets support is what you'd be looking for.


Amazing, your guess was exactly what I needed! Just dropping an upgrade=websocket option at the end of my ProxyPass line seems to have fixed it. Thank you!

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