Hubitat C-7 v2.3.9.176 & Android app 2.0.3
Hello: With the new Android app the modes on the home page are not in-sync with what is actually on the hub as shown in the web admin page.
Hubitat C-7 v2.3.9.176 & Android app 2.0.3
Hello: With the new Android app the modes on the home page are not in-sync with what is actually on the hub as shown in the web admin page.
Known issue. Suggest you update the app to version 2.0.4 in which I believe the Modes syncing problem has been resolved.
OK 2.0.3 is the latest version in Play Store. I'll wait until 2.0.4 is published as GA and check again.
Your mobile device may permit you to "force" an update as follows:
Open the Play Store app
Tap your profile circle in the upper right corner
Click Manage Apps & Devices
Click the "Manage" tab
Tap "Updates Available"
Wait for the list to populate
Check any boxes that appear
Click the circular arrow/checkmark symbol to initiate update(s).