Hubitat and Rainbird wifi module

I did not search much through the community; but, was curious what integration Hubitat had with the Rainbird wireless module.

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I, too, have one of these.

I see there is an HA integration. Has anyone ported it over or gotten it to work with Hubitat?

I have a basic driver working - [BETA] Rainbird Sprinkler Driver. I only implemented that pieces I wanted but could add onto it if there was interest.

I would be interested, as the Google Home integration with Rainbird just doesnโ€™t work for me.

Thanks for your work.

I added an initial driver to the hubitat package driver. Let me know if it works for you.

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I have no idea of how to make this work. I have the driver and I created the virtual device. I see of lot of things, but have no idea what next steps are.

To get this to work, in the Device field "Where" enter the IP of your Rainbird device and the password in "password".

After that, you can run Custom commands from that page - or use them as Custom actions in Buttons/Rules/anything else you wish