Hubconnect update issue

So, I couldn't leave things alone, I decided to upgrade the App Code and Driver code for both my hubs for HubConnect and now I'm no longer getting events being sent from the primary to the secondary hub.

Any tips on how to resolve?

Each time I go into the Secondary Hub App, I see this, and clicking Done doesn't stop it from showing the next time:

New Version Detected!
This HubConnect Remote Client has an upgrade that has been installed...
Please click [Done] to complete the installation.

From my logs:

app:452019-12-23 11:21:55.405 errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke method setConnectionType() on null object on line 1085 (remoteUpdate)

app:452019-12-23 11:21:55.396 errorUnable to create the Server Hub monitoring device: Device type 'HubConnect Remote Hub' in namespace 'shackrat' not found. Support Data: [id: "serverhub-", name: "HubConnect Hub", label: "Server Hub"]

I believe if you install the driver, at least that problem will be resolved. :slight_smile:

This is my primary hub drivers page:

This is my secondary remote hub drivers page, do i need the remote driver here too?


One major change in v1.5 & 1.6 was to allow bidirectional Event Socket which needs the driver at both ends of the connection(s).



Looks to be fixed! Thank you.


No, that didn't fix it. No updates happening on the secondary hub. I don't want to uninstall/reinstall because i'll lose all my config...

I would go back through the key exchange process. Set the communication type to http until you are certain that everything is working. Paste the key into the remote and keep an eye on the logs. That should get things going again.

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That did fix it. Thank you.

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