Hub Update 2.0.1. Fibaro Dimmer 2 new Driver

the driver name is Fibaro Dimmer, and it was written specifically for the Fibaro Dimmer 2 ZW5

Thanks Mike.
For the life of me I couldn't remember if there was one there already.
Do you think it might be better labelled 'Fibaro Dimmer 2 ZW5' so people now it is specific to the Dimmer 2?
Just a thought.

EDIT: When I assign it to me existing device, it doesn't show up any of the available parameters. This means people will not be able to configure it for there personal use.

EDIT 2: No power reporting either.

We/I don't include every single configurable parameter for all devices, we include the most common ones.
This being particularly true with Fibaro devices given the large number of available settings.
All other parameters can be changed using the Super Basic Z-Wave tool which is available in our public repo.
Correct, this driver doesn't produce power reports, nor does it's switch equivalent.

Can you post the link to the repo please.

You can find it here:

Nice. Happy to have these coming in. I actually posted a link to an official Fibaro ST driver Github here. Perhaps you can integrate more ?

thanks, I'm good for now.

Sorry, not sure if I understand your answer, but I'm also new here. If I understand correctly, you (Mike, Hubitat employee) added a Fibaro driver to the hub firmware ? I also understand that I can add my own. What is the difference between a firmware driver and a user ported ST driver?

Also, are you adding "official" drivers regularly and /or taking requests? If I port a driver, do we have a vetting process for the driver to make sure it works and should I post it somewhere in order to grow the driver database?

I see the supported devices on the Wiki, but this new driver is not there. There is a mention of official drivers, but the list does not say which are official and which not. Presumably you can say that a driver with a link is not official, but is that a given? Also, your implementation of this driver seems to only support a subset of commands, but would the drivers from my link, officially from Fibaro, support more commands? And if so, why are they not integrated?

Sorry for all of the questions, just wanting to learn and I tend to be curious :slight_smile:

The official driver list can be found here

The community wiki became a free for all and made it difficult for customers to understand which driver was which.

Fibaro devices typically have an enormous amount of parameter options, many of which will conflict with each other and or make certain aspects of the device non functional, we pick safe options to expose, this also reduces cruft in the driver ui as well as our support burden in explaining the available choices.
You are free to modify any device parameters to to your hearts content using the tool we have provided, or via some other means.

While we aren't opposed to community submissions, typically it takes me longer to cleanup a ported driver than to write it from scratch, so its just not time effective at the moment.

We generally do a point release every 2 to 3 weeks, which generally have 5 or 6 driver updates, some using existing drivers, some new.

Does the driver support the fibaro scenes via buttons?

None of our drivers have an interface for associations.
Most devices already support this, nothing special here.
To be honest this is a feature that Joe normal could really wreck havoc with.
Imagine the support call: hey, all the lights in my house are going on and off by themselves, i uninstalled webcore, paused all my rules, and its still happening...
Support: did you set any zwave device associations?
Customer: huh?

Aren't associations a big throwback to the first iteration of ZWave? Isn't it how "automations" were done before the invention of Hubs? It's how Lutron does Pico's still?

No not associations, like you said to risky to mess with and kind of useless with a hub. The scene capabilities need to be set to enabled then if put in the driver when you single tap/ double tap/ triple tap/ hold or release it can call buttons. This is what ericm did with his driver. So now I can control the load with S1 and another device IE in my case a ZigBee device with S2. :grin: It's really the only reason I buy the dimmer 2, because in each bedroom I have switchable white downlights on the dimmer then a osram RGBW tunable white ZigBee lamp in the middle.

So you have two physical switches connected to these, s1 being in control of a load, then s2 just presents as a button controller?

Correct but S1 also should present as a button controller as well. Then you can use the double click and single click to set it's level. So when I press S1 it should call a button and I should be able to set the light to a level rather that just to it's previous level.

Interesting, ok.
From the perspective of the driver details there is no sense of s1, s2, really two separate endpoints.
Unless s1 can present the same button capabilities, I would rather have a preference setting in the driver that would add a child device button controller for s2
Otherwise the possibility exists that users would expect s1 to provide button events

Both S1 and S2 spit out different scene ID's for there different presses. Then in the driver I posted he's converted these scene messages to buttons messages so button 1 and 2 is S1 and buttons 3, 4 and 5 is S2. There is also a parameter to select the correct mapping for the different switch types.

Button Mappings:

Momentary S1

  • 1x click - Button 1, “pushed”
  • 2x click - Button 2, “pushed”
  • held - Button 1, “held”
  • release - Button 2, “held”

Momentary S2

  • 1x click - Button 3, “pushed”
  • 2x click - Button 4, “pushed”
  • 3x click - Button 5, “pushed”
  • held - Button 3, “held”
  • release - Button 4, “held”

Toggle S1

  • Off to On - Button 1, “pushed”
  • On to Off - Button 1, “held”
  • 2x click - Button 2, “pushed”

Toggle S2

  • Off to On - Button 3, “pushed”
  • On to Off - Button 3, “held”
  • 2x click - Button 4, “pushed”
  • 3x click - Button 5, “pushed”

Roller blinds S1

  • Turn On (1x click) - Button 1, “pushed”
  • Release - Button 1, “held”
  • 2x click - Button 2, “pushed”
  • Brightening - Button 2, “held”

Roller blinds S2

  • Turn Off - Button 3, “pushed”
  • Release - Button 3, “held”
  • 2x click - Button 4, “pushed”
  • 3x click - Button 5, “pushed”
  • Dimming - Button 4, “held”
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@mike.maxwell I have been trying to get my Dimmer 2 working and something doesn't seem right. When it includes it is using command class (0x56) Crc16 to send reports and to be controlled. Looking through the forums though it looks like Crc16 isn't supported yet (and in testing all the properties are decoded as NULL).

Is there a way to get it to include without Crc16? I've tried both secure and non-secure inclusion.

The dimmer 2 I have didn't use that cluster.
I would have a look at their param options to see if it can be disabled. Did you just exclude it?, or did you do a full factory reset on it...

I just excluded it, but I'll try to do a factory reset on it. As far as I can tell there isn't a parameter to enable / disable crc16.