Hub slowdown fixed for me

Mine in on my "problem children" Zigbee network with my 3 Cree bulbs (All of which are in outside fixtures that leak and still refuse to die.) and my Syvania under-cabinet lights edge-lit lights which a couple other folks reported as screwing up their mesh, so better safe than sorry.

That's a Deconz network on a Conbee stick. It seems to play very well with the other devices I have over there and repeats well for the Crees.

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I had 8. I kept two that are on an Almond 3 router (actually both my HEs are plugged into them, so I can remotely do a shutdown via HE, and a restart via the Almond). The other 6 I put on eBay, while indicating compatibility with Almond routers, the Amazon Echo Plus, and ST (but leaving Hubitat off the list).


Where I used to work, you wanted to never miss a meeting - you'd get all the blame for last week, and all the extra work for next week.

When someone got canned, it was (as you note) at least two months of "blame the dead guy".


I actually pulled 2 out and put them on my ST hub :pensive:

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I had an Almond+ made by the same company. It was supposed to be an 802.11ac access point, plus a home automation hub. It did neither of these things well.

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I had no problem pulling them off. I only really use them for repeating, so they weren't critical to something working or not working. I just checked and I have a lot of 5 Iris plugs in my mailbox waiting for me to pick up. I can live without 2 peanuts.


Should our Hubitat's come with an EpiPen due to this Peanut Allergy? I have declared my Hubitat home a peanut free zone.


That rates right up there with the "great peanut panic of 2020" You always give me a chuckle @Brandon
:rofl: :peanuts:


Mine arrived today as well. :grinning:

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I know! and I have a zooz relay for my bathroom fan coming. And two zooz on/off switches. And .. I think that's it.

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Lol, until you think up your next project.

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So the die-hard "only one hub" guy sneaks around the back and adds an "it's not really a hub" Conbee. :wink: :wink:

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Well, to be fair, my DIYHue hub, which my conbee is connected to, is my Raspberry Pi. Which also runs my Cast-Web-API server, my Google Assistant Relay server, my PiVPN server and performs my nightly Hubitat backup downloads. I think that's all it does....all for only $35 plus the Conbee.

And I've always said that having a Hue Bridge or second Hubitat for Bulbs doesn't count as "many hubs" because it's just an interface logic involved. But I have to have my DIYHue....i have a ton of LED strips that are WiFi based that DIYHue integrates seamlessly with. I have about 10m of strips in my house for about the cost of 1 Hue Strip starter pack. And they all show up in Hubitat as if they were Hue Bulbs. I also have a Lutron Caseta Pro Bridge....but I don't consider that a hub either. :wink:

Remember bridge != hub


I have two of these.
Does anyone have a recommendation for a better zigbee smart plug?
I bought two peanuts to both solve a smartplug need AND as repeaters. Would happily replace them.

Conbee=hub :wink:

I would like to suggest the new (don't get confused with the old) samsung outlet:

(Works even with Xiaomi devices!)

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Not when it is a DIYHue Bridge it's not.
That's my story and I'm stickin to it! hehe

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Conbee is just a USB stick not a hub :clown_face:

That was my experience with a motion and temp/humidity sensor (the latter being the newer/square version; can't remember which motion sensor), but some people have reported the opposite. YMMV. I do like these as repeaters, though. They seem to handle a lot of children and are also apparently attractive routes for my devices. They're just not cheap. Also, be sure you get the Zigbee (square-ish) version and not the WiFi one.

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I also would put the Samsung plug (2018) at the top of my recommended devices list. They work perfectly, seem to repeat for at least 7 or 8 devices, and you can use @srwhite ‘s iris driver for customizing the power reporting. They also work well with my Lightify 4-button switches.