Hub(s) Slowdown, Again

I shutdown one of my hubs (in the mesh) so I could plug it into the UPS. After I restarted it, it was super slow. In fact, some times any given webpage timed out.

Remembering I had a similar problem a few weeks ago which I "solved" by restarting the other hub (in the Hub Mesh), I shutdown the 2nd hub. Voila, the first hub was back up to speed and behaving normally. I then restarted the 2nd hub which is now running super slow. I have rebooted it several times but it hasnt improved anything. The 1st hub was still running normally and I am afraid to restart it only to have both hubs going to a crawl.

I have considered disabling the mesh but I am concerned about the automation I have setup. Will these be restored when I re-enable the mesh? Anyway, I am looking for a solution that will allow me to shutdown any of my hubs without having it come back up and running at a crawl.

Looking for input

UPDATE: I can confirm that once I rebooted the 1st hub, which is running normally, the 2nd hub speeds up and runs normally. Unfortunately, the 1st hub now is slow.

Typical troubleshooting methods apply.

  • Check your past logs for errors

  • Disable custom code to see if the issue goes away. If it does, re-enable one at a time until you find the culprit.

  • Pay special attention to code that might be looking for a networked resource that either aren't there now or are not responding.

I suspect the code in question is beyond my view. There is no custom code. I can duplicate this issue at will and the logs show nothing. I can turn off (any) one hub and the other works fine. If I turn off both and restart them at the same time, the problem disappears within minutes of startup. If I restart one, wait, restart the other, I am back at square one. The only commonality ithat I can see is "Hub Mesh".

Would you like us to further look into your hubs to see if something is spinning significant number of errors that may cause your hubs to slow down?


Absolutely, that would be great. What do you need from me?

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Let's try turning off hub mesh refresh on the affected hub.
Look under Settings - Hub mesh - Full remote device sync interval (at the bottom of the page). Set it to Never.

Actually, this happens to both hubs. The one which will run slow is the one last up and running after shutdown. Should I turn off hub mesh refresh on both or just one for now?

Sure, let's try both. That will either eliminate hub mesh as the problem entirely or identify it as the culprit.


I can see that on one hub, the app|56|Remote Control is throwing a significant number of errors and on the other, you have a problem with dev|115|Home Assistant Device Bridge


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That is what I thought was causing the issue this AM when this all started. I uninstalled and removed this then rebooted. The problem persisted.


Cors Hubitat 2 looks good after last reboot. Is it slow now?

Both are running well atm but I still like to get to the bottom of this. As I said above, I can make the problem come back by shutting down and restarting it. Would you like me to shutdown Cors Hubitat 2 and try it?

Yes, please

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Back up and running fine... First hub is running normal as well.

So, you had me disable these hub mesh settings. Should I leave them at never??

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Your Remote Control needs some attention. It is still throwing a significant number of errors, which eventually will slow down your hub.

Yes, hub mesh can stay at Never indefinitely unless it starts missing device events. It's a recovery mechanism for unreliable networks.


I am watching it now but I see no errors. The ones you noted in the past log were a statement which I disabled. The error was due to this statement, at times, referencing a null device. The last error was over an hour ago. At least what I can see at my end. You see errors more recent??

My one hub (#1) has once again slowed down after a shutdown. This morning I did some electrical work in my basement which required me to shut down several servers and the 2nd hub. Once I was done with wiring, I restarted everything along Hub # 2 . This hub is running fine. Hub #1 on the other hand which was not shutdown with the rest of the equipment, is back to its slow downs as I described above after I powered up all my equipment in the basement.

The only changes I have made since my last post above was disabling descriptionText logging for most, but not all, devices. I also had to exclude and reinclude a zwave switch this AM which was no longer responding to any command.

While some would like to blame custom apps/drivers, these hubs run fine until one of the hubs is shutdown and restarted. Once I "fix" this slowdown it never re-appears till the next shutdown. Prior to any of these slowdown both hubs were running 9 days without issue.