I'm currently trying to automate as much of my HE maintenance and monitoring I can, by using predominantly PowerShell. I've got automatic health checking of ports and automatic periodic backups to disk running at the moment with more intricate health checking in the pipeline.
I've got a spare HE hub or two laying around, so I was thinking "maybe I can use them to test the backups taken, by restoring the backups to the spare hubs". Is there a restore backup endpoint that I can use for this? Ideally, the process would be entirely non-interactive.
Edit: Come to think of it, a reset-to-factory-defaults endpoint would also be handy in this process.
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The closest I’ve seen documented is one to clone a hub:
//clones hub's database from the source hub, preserving current hub's management token
Won't you be very limited in restoring a hub from a local backup without your device pairings being saved? For a full restore to another hub, you will really need a cloud backup. There doesn't seem to be an endpoint for restoring a cloud backup that I have seen.
Not quite what I was looking for, but thanks 
You are correct in that the local backup won’t have the radio data included. But, that is all I have anyway, I don’t have any cloud backups (yet). Only two of my hubs have any radio devices on them and that will soon be down to only one. At that point I’ll be getting a subscription for that hub as well so I can do cloud backups and back up the radios too.
But my thinking about my current project is that any backup strategy is null and void unless you actually at least do a periodical restore test of the backup as well to ensure that the backups you’re taking are good. Restoring the backup is only step 1, I will also have to figure out how to isolate the restored hub from the network so it doesn’t interfere with the other production hubs and then what and how to test it to determine a successful test.