Hub process slowdown after several days

I am only using 3 custom apps, HubConnect and Hubduino. I have 3 hubs, one of those is dedicated to the abundance of cheap OSRAM lights purchased on clearance. I have disabled Hubduino, with no change in the slowdowns. I am in process of moving to Hublink to eliminate HubCinnect as a problem, but this is a painstakingly arduous task. Every other app is a stock app. I havenā€™t gotten too crazy with any other add-ins or automations, because I saw this slowdown starting to happen, so I backed off of the throttle. I am close to trying the Homeseer option for control and using HE for devices, donā€™t want to, it also donā€™t want to repair the system every few days.

Okay. I do have to (jokingly) take issue with your previous statement:

Unless you're lighting up each room to be as bright as the sun or have 6 motion sensors per room, you HAVE to have a pretty big house. :wink: Again...just teasing.


That's pretty damn fast.

It is. That's when my wife stopped complaining :wink:

Itā€™s middle of the road I suppose. TP-Link SG105e. I suppose it might have just been the routers default settings that were causing problems. It has been working since I changed them. Iā€™m just paranoid about it now.

About everything?!? Doesn't that violate some fundamental law of physics or something? I thought it was like mass/energy, complaints don't ever get destroyed they just get redirected towards something else. :wink:


No, she still complains about me but not about my home automation stuff anymore :rofl:


As of today, I pretty much moved all control/events to HS.

Thereā€™s still a few rules on Hubitat for now.

A couple of of you have mentioned HomeSeer (or Hkmeseet as JDJmailbox calls it :wink:) and using both to split the work. I sort of buy into the method of splitting the work across multiple HE devices, but why split across two different platforms? I have also been holding Homeseer in the back of mind if HE doesn't dramatically increase my WAF (it hasn't do date but I have really only completed the majority of the conversion in recent days.). But I don't think at this point that i would want to split across platforms.

Again i don't want to hijack this thread as it is really getting focused again, so if anyone wants to PM me with your thoughts on Hoe seer or this type of split please feel free.


Might want to look at this thread here:

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Man I can never tell which system youā€™re leaning towards on a particular day :wink:

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I own a HomeSeer Pro license. It is good at some things, not as good at others.

I use Home Assistant - also good at some things, and not as good at others.

And 3 Hubitat hubs. Same as above - some good, some bad.

I will say my HA and HS hubs are MUCH faster than my HE hubs (in interface speed and automation execution)... But I expect that as they are running on MUCH faster hardware. Not really a fair comparison.

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I have 2 hubs myself and have been using a variation of the nodered websocket monitoring that @dan.t @corerootedxb and @btk have helped refine. As a result my weekly lockups have stopped. I don't schedule reboots but the quick update cycles seemed to be masking some leftover issues. I left my production hub purring for just over a month and unfortunately it did start to crawl...I rebooted before a full lockup occured. Since then, I have been really reluctant to add more devices and automations.

I've had a couple of people who have been all but harassing me to try out HA, so I started building a Hassio install. It's going surprisingly well but I see some big limitations ahead (for me and my skillset). Regardless, HA is letting me play with all the integrations I'm scared to use on HE (for fear of decreasing the WAF). Cameras, floorplan layouts, chromecast TVs, Sonos control. So far so good. I have faith that @kevin Mqtt client will be a bridge between the 2 systems and I can get the best of both worlds. Especially because automation scripts and zigbee on HA seems to be a painful enterprise so far. So right now HE is for my lighting automations (WAF) and HA is my everything playground. Been fun.


Guess it is time for a C-6!!

But in all seriousness, can we please keep this focused on hub slowdown troubleshooting? This thread was just getting refocused on the problem. We need to help focus the Hubitat support folks on this topic. Let's take this discussion to another thread. Let's start a Hub Topology Options thread. I am interested in that too.




I can't get answers or a fix to my motion lighting delays.

Just think of me deciding between the two as me swapping out different pairs of shoes. :slight_smile:

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Hate to say it, this thread is really not going anywhere and will continue to fill up with conjecture and theories (not that they aren't valid).

Hubitat staff are aware of all the problems detailed in this thread. The general consensus a few hundred posts back was that custom apps are causing issue no. 3. as I detailed in my earlier post. If you scroll back to Bruce's response on the topic, you will get an idea of where he stands on this. There are some very good points from both sides of the argument there.

Unfortunately, at the end of the day, understanding the Staff's point of view still didn't help my lights come on any faster, so I ended up moving to another platform with a temporary hybrid solution.

edit: yup - closed. I'm so sorry @jdjmailbox - you just wanted to know what was making your hub slow!


Yeah, I tend to only use HA for my more complex things that I am willing to sit and write the YAML for (mostly holiday lighting and animations). The simple fact that 5+ years of HA development and the one single visual rule editor is just so basic and devoid of any ease of use amazes me. Mind you, I write code for a living and I appreciate a bare bones approach as much as the next coder, but HA takes that to a whole new level. sigh

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You may be right but to my earlier point today, if they ignore this and simply call it a third party issue and not do anything about it, they do so at their own peril, as every other open API product on the market has learned. They need to get involved, even with their third party developers, if for no other reason but to protect and preserve their products reputation in the market. They will never get mass market appeal if they continue to act like a developer/enthusiast platform. Apple, Android, and hundreds of other product manufacturers/developers who follow the open api model have all learned this. @support_team needs to as well or they will never make it past the last round of capital funding.


I thought I found a suitable work around Monday evening when I threw in the towel and implemented a hub reboot for 5:00 AM each morning. Woke up Tuesday morning and all my lights came on as planned, Alexa commands were executed very timely, mode changed from Night to Day on schedule (that hadn't happened in the prior 3 days). All good night automations ran as expected when we retired for the night. All was good!

Woke up this morning and all was broken again. Automations didn't run, Alexa devices wouldn't respond, mode was still night....ugh. When I was finally able to get to settings and bring up past logs (Hub unreachable) there were no log entries past 2:43 AM Wednesday morning. Suspiciously close to the 3:00AM start of the backups. I had to leave for work so I didn't have time to work through any troubleshooting or reboots. Tried multiple times during the day to access dashboards through the mobile app and each attempt resulted in hub not responding message. Geofencing did show me out of area.

Got home from work around 5:00 PM today. Was finally able to get to devices through the browser (still got hub unreachable as often as not) to reboot the hub with the momentary switch created for my automated reboot, worked fine.

I have a single C5 hub, run no custom apps, and 2-3 custom drivers. I do have a Hue Bridge and Lutron Pro. Prior troubleshooting led me to convert most of my RM 3 and RM 4 rules to Simple Lighting (all that I could) and pare back to what I feel are the bare necessities needed for the automations I want. Honestly, I'm about ready to shut it all down and forget it. I don't have the time, or the patience to work all day at my job then come home to troubleshoot HA until bedtime then cross my fingers that it all works.

I was really hopeful with this thread that there would be a 'smoking gun' found and we could all get this (these?) issue resolved, but that looks less likely everyday.

I have the utmost respect for the Hubitat team, and in particular @bobbyD who has helped me work through many of the issues I've experienced. Same goes for the HE community. User support and knowledge sharing is exceptional. For the first few months of having Hubitat installed and migrating off ST, automations were snappy and consistent. Somewhere along the line something changed and it is impacting enough of the user community that I think it deserves vocal Hubitat team participation, interaction, and communication to help resolve the issues.

(Stepping off soapbox and returning to troubleshooting.......)

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This topic has overrun its usefulness and drifted into a huge variety of ideas and positions, so it will be closed.

We are very open to new topics that focus on specific issues with the hub becoming slow, especially posts that identify a result from troubleshooting efforts. We take this subject seriously, and want to encourage further dialog focused on specific issues.

Our support team will continue to interact with people who bring forward issues such as those discussed in this topic. We will also continue to recommend that you take certain troubleshooting steps in an effort to isolate the problem. We aren't there with you able to run your system and monitor it, nor are we familiar with the context of all of the steps you may have taken leading up to the problem. We will work with you to help identify and resolve the issues you run into.