My new upstairs hub stopped responding after update. I ran the update on both hubs my main one worked fine. The new one got stuck on "applying update" then stopped responding all together. Power cycled and nothing came up. Checked network connection to make sure okay, power cycled again without the stick still no go..
Last thing I did before updating is install the Nest Integrations and Cobras Average Temp (which rocks btw!).
There seems like nothing I can do to troubleshoot this (like using ssh) which is frustrating.
I did this in the past when I first received my hub. I did see a fairly normal looking Linux boot process. I haven't tried it again in months, so not sure if the hub still outputs that video feed or not.
I suppose you have static ip or reservation on your router.
Try this, disconnect the hub from power and LAN, connect the hub to a new LAN port in your router or switch, not the same port, then connect the power. Give it a minute or two. Go to and see if it updated the time, if yes, try to enter clicking the link.
Reserved DHCP - yep moved connection over to a new switch/powercycled. Still no go. Green light on switch for connection. Also firewall shows "online" for that connection.
So the REAL funny thing is I had just minutes before sent a "thank you" note to support saying how well the system was running and how I appreciated all their hard work (which I still do).
Apparently they don't like compliments or something..
No backup - but it's the upstairs hub and we are in the middle of a renovation and I haven't set up too many rules etc. Also now getting pretty good at excluding and pairing these devices.
Yet another reason for a 2nd hub - if this had been my main hub with all my 100+ devices it would have been awful as I've just recovered from the original reset before adding the new hub. That issue was my fault entirely..with a little help from the Z-Wave pairing quirkiness.
Mmmmm I didn't catch what you were referring too originally. I guess they would use the backup as some sort of repair to get things moving again? I wonder if I can use a backup from my original hub. Also thinking about attempting a usb stick factory reset..
So I thought the issue might be my network connection - but just verified everything including testing the cables and the cable run to my switch in the basement.
Hub is down but the light is blue and it responds to pings. Tried multiple resets via usb and got nowhere. It's frustrating that I can't see the bootup process to determine if the internal drive crashed/damaged or it's stuck on the old linux ctrl D to continue msg etc.
Support hasn't really been able to do anything on their end unfortunately - not sure what they could do. Am waiting for their recommended next step. Hopefully it's a replacement hub.
I think my plans of offering this to my clients are a bit over optimistic at this point. Things seem a little too unstable and recovery is really messy. Also I have no way of accessing even the barest of internals in order to troubleshoot things like startup issues etc. My clients would not be happy having to wait for answers and solutions.
It would be nice if the folks at HE would consider having a vendor/developer program where they could nda folks like myself (and other more talented people) that would allow some access and control in order to be the first line of support, better dev.
Nothing - I ran nmap on a comprehensive scan and only got back a filtered ssh port on port 22. No browser response on 8081 or 80. The reset was the same usb stick I used to reset the original main hub which is still working fine.
It was weird. Ran the updates at the same time watched the main hub complete while the upstairs hub just sat there on applying updates. It was working great last night and even this morning.
I just did a comprehensive diagnostic on my network cables (I have a tester) including the cat 6 run to the basement where my firewall lives and fios ONT. I also verified that I was in fact getting a connection to the network and the proper subnet was being assigned. Also verified firewall rules weren't holding anything up indeed my main hub is working fine.
As far as the dhcp goes - Am slightly skeptical that this will work (apologies) but willing to try. Will remove the reservation and reboot... see what happens.