After some overdue ghost cleanup, both using native hubitat tools and a UZB stick via parallels and Simplicity Studio and PC Controller I have one stubborn ghost remaining. It is firmly lodged in the hub Z-Wave Details page and does not respond to all the native refresh/remove tactics. Then when I use the UZB stick it does not appear on the PC Controller list. This is not a recent addition to the mesh. Also I have tried numerous restarts and resets.
Does anyone have an idea how to dislodge this one?
Images of hub Z-wave details page and PC controller page below. The node in question is 077.
So you don't see your PC Contoller device list like below. Did you successfully complete the steps in the Ghost Removal PDF to pair the UZB stick to your hub from the PC Controller app?
@danabw ....I believe the OP paired the UZB stick to the hub. His first screenshot shows the devices from the Z-wave details page, but device 077 is missing. Perhaps @function12's suggestion to power cycle the hub and wait 5 minutes will work.
The odd thing is his UZB controller not appearing the list, which means he can't click on it to show the devices connected to his controller. I'm not familiar with a situation where the controller doesn't appear in PC Controller app. I've seen it MIA (and not an issue) when not appearing on the hub, but not MIA on PC Controller.
@danabw ...Could it just be the way the screenshot was taken? I just paired my UZB stick to the hub, then scrolled down the list of devices, and clicked on a device and the PC Controller just scrolls up out of view.....just like the OP's first screenshot. Referring to his first screenshot, I believe his PC controller is node 130 on the bottom right screen.
@twatkins ....At the bottom of your PC controller screenshot, it says ....Remove Failed Node completed..... If you power cycle the hub and wait 5 minutes as @function12 recommends, there is a good chance that the Z-Wave details page will be updated.
Thanks all. I will try all of the above and get back to this post. To clarify the UZB was paired sufficiently to recognize and fail/remove 4 other ghosts. This issue seems to be that there is some sort of category of ghost on the hub that is not recognized by the PC Controller. that wrong multiple times. Grammar I is good punctuation I is good yes me. This is why I should not be posting on a bake-day. Not to mention the raw dough on the keyboard...
Four sourdough loaves in progress today, five jars of blackberry jam yesterday, nine jars of strawberry jam last week. Wife wants to thank/impress her team at work, so I'm in mass-production mode. I really need to hire an agent to protect me...