Hub Goes Not Responding

For the past six months or so, every couple of weeks, my Home Automation stops working. When I try to bring up the hubitat web site, there is no response. The only solution has been to just pull the plug and then plug it back in.

Are there logs or something that I can look at to try to understand what is going wrong?

Thank you.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. Are you talking about your hub UI?

The web interface does not load, motion detectors do not turn on lights, when dawn or dusk comes, my outside lights do not turn off or on, doors that are supposed to turn on and off lights do not do that. The hub is completely non-responsive.

So, I have to reboot by pulling power.

Once it comes back up, is there any way to tell why it hung?

Once you reboot then I believe any useful logs will be lost. Not sure though.
Do you have any custom apps or drivers running?
These can cause issues.
Also are you at the latest update?

I have update several times since I have owned the hub. It has never helped. I am updating again today.

This is happening to me on a regular basis as well. I also have not had luck with getting any information out of the logs.

I would be very interested in getting information on how we can troubleshoot what is going on.

Custom apps and drivers can cause problems.
Any running on your system?

Aren´t we all running some custom apps and drivers ? I only have a few of both, but the problem is that I can't pinpoint which one may be causing an issue, or even if it is caused by such a problem with customization. Ideally I would be able to read some kind of log after restart on what caused the problem.

I'm sure we all are but some are known to be a problem.
webCoRE for example always slows my hub down and it would slowly grind to a halt. Now I never use it. There is another thread running on here where ecobee is causing issues. That is why I asked the question.
The next time it slows down/becomes unresponsive, if you can leave it and I know this is not always possible, raise a ticket to support. They may be able to access something and see what is going on.

Absolutely, we don´t really know what the solutions we are running will do, but therefore it is equally important to have some method to troubleshoot.

Leaving the hub alone when it hangs is not really a problem. I am running it in my summerhouse. The main issue is that when I notice it is hung, several days may have passed and during that time my heating has either been on or off for that time, depending on the state when it hung. Not so much a problem now that the outside temps are higher.

It may be a good idea to see if they have alternate methods of connecting to the hub for troubleshooting when it is hung.

@toddtmw and @Kulfsson, I suggest you send a support request directly to

If your HUB has been up and running for a week or so now, open a new browser tab and go to the LOG page and leave it open. It should show you what devices or Apps are causing errors etc.
With Support, be prepared to shut down Apps AND Drivers on your system to try to find put what is causing the issue.
You could of course start doing that yourselves, stopping or removing those apps known to be troublesome, such as Webcore.

Good idea. I will try to do what you suggest. I am not running Webcore, or any, what I think, taxing apps or drivers. I think we have seen the warnings about Webcore and I am not coming from Smartthings so I don´t have any affinity with it.

It would be better if one could go back and just tail a saved log on the device. This was even possible on my previous Vera device.