Hub froze

One thing I have noticed regarding ‘cloud’ based apps/drivers

If the ‘cloud’ is unavailable or unreachable for any reason this produces loads of errors in the internal logs and can slow or stop the hub..
It sits there trying to contact the cloud, waiting for a response.

This could be the reason for your issue, by disconnecting L360 on one side, the hub would still try to connect/control it.


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Thanks, this clears my doubts in this area.

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Almost a great reason for getting a "coordinator" hub to keep that stuff away from your device hub(s)!!! :grin:

Exactly what I do.. :slight_smile:

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That was along the lines what I was thinking. But instead of this happening, could we build in some kind of failsafe to either alert of such a condition ( i.e. show devices with excessive errors) or have the device fail if it presents errors for too long a time ?

On this thread.. @corerootedxb mentions a NodeRed server he uses for logging and such also to detect lockups.

oops didn't notice @Kulfsson had already posted the link BUT the discussion about NodeRed is very interesting.

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Mine locks up on a occasion still, too. So you definitely have company. Can't ever find anything in the logs to follow.

It is basically impossible to troubleshoot slowdowns or lockups outside of blind trial and error. We can't see system events/sec, we can't see radio throughput/commands per sec, we can't see CPU, we can't see memory in the java heap. Nada.

Basically all you can do is look through the debug logging and hope you see something. Not very effective. Or just turn user drivers/apps off one at a time and pray it happens/doesn't happen again. Not very effective.

So I guess I'll just submit a ticket every time it happens, and hope support can figure it out. With the (in my opinion) large number of hub freezes and slowdowns being reported in the forums in the last few months I doubt support has time to chase them all down, though.


My lockups started just after 2.06 upgrade and I didn't add any devices or apps starting with 2.04. Since 2.06 I had to power cycle the hub 6 times already. I'm lucky that DB wasn't corrupted. Nothing in the logs after lockups. One time I was able to soft reboot after my Zigbee radio abruptly switched to off and all automations stopped working. Something definitely happened with 2.06, but I have no idea, because there are no tools to monitor the hub.

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So do those that have hub lockups have google homes?

I just looked in my logs and it was full of messages for one of my Google home devices.

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:32.599 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:30.597 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:28.813 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:26.886 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:25.137 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:23.046 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:21.335 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:19.491 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:17.561 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:15.575 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:13.643 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:11.781 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:10.074 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:08.213 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:06.475 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:04.732 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:02.863 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

dev:1822019-03-16 04:19:01.142 pm errorsu.litvak.chromecast.api.v2.ChromeCastException: Unable to load media (runQ)

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Yeah, the uniQ is a known issue. I turned off my Chromecast integration until support gets it resolved.

I don't think that lockups are related to Google home or Chromecast integration, because their release was way before 2.06 and lockup for me started right after 2.06

I do, but don't / didn't see those messages.

I rebooted that Google home and the messages went away.

My hub froze again. It has only happened twice in the past year. Starting to think it is related to this new firmware.

Any new apps you've added lately?

I had another hub freeze overnight last night. Automations were running slow at bedtime. Tried using a button automation around 5am and nothing worked. Last reported event was around 3:16am.

This is the second overnight hub lockup in the past 5 days, although it was a different hub that froze.

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can you have a look at the driver details for that google cast device that you rebooted?, in the state variable section, uriQ, is it empty?