Good day,
I am trying to add an HttpPost to a Device driver code and am at a lost as to what the issue may be. This may be more of a Java/Groovy problem, but as I need to use Hubitat's flavor of HttpPost and the restriction of use of other libraries, here I am. The exception I'm catching is:
*** Exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class java.util.Map (java.lang.String and java.util.Map are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')*
Follows is the pertinent code snippet I've put together. It 'compiles' clean in Device code.
accessToken = "6d51**redacted**81d7160f5a"
vehicleID = "af12b**redacted**7655ef474"
// Making a JSON array for the data/body of the HttpPost request, per API spec
def request = [
def myJsonBuilder = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder()
myJsonBuilder {
requests request.collect {
path: it.getPath()
// Building the Map Params for the HttpPost request
String myURI = "https://api.<domain>.com/v2.0/vehicles/$vehicleID/batch"
String myHeader = "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken"
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
params.put("uri", myURI);
params.put("headers", myHeader);
params.put("contentType", "application/json");
params.put("requestContentType", "application/json");
params.put("body", myJsonBuilder);
// Catch 'params' value for display on Device page
state.lastResp = params
httpPost(params) { resp ->
state.lastResp =
log.debug "Response: $resp"
slurper = new JsonSlurper().parseText(state.lastResp)
String myLat=Float.toString(slurper.latitude)
String myLong=Float.toString(slurper.longitude)
sendEvent(name: "csGeoLocation", value: myLat + "|" + myLong)
String myIsPluggedIn = slurper.isPluggedIn
String myState = slurper.State
sendEvent(name: "csPluggedInStatus", value: myIsPluggedIn)
sendEvent(name: "csChargeState", value: myState)
Integer myPercentRemaining = slurper.percentRemaining * 100
sendEvent(name: "csBatteryChargeLevel", value: myPercentRemaining)
} catch (Exception e) {
log.debug "** Exception: $e"
The value of 'params' that I display on the Device page is:
*headers=Authorization: Bearer 6d51**redacted**81d7160f5a, body={content={requests=[{path=/battery}, {path=/location}, {path=/charge}]}}, uri=https://api.<domain>.com/v2.0/vehicles/af12b**redacted**7655ef474/batch, contentType=application/json, requestContentType=application/json}*
..which is more or less what I'd expect given my limited understanding of Maps (although I have no idea where the '{content=' in the 'body' parameter comes from).
When I do a .getclass() on 'params' (outside of Hubitat (Groovy console)....but running same code through to 'params' definition), I get... class java.util.HashMap
Alas, I don't know what the exception is telling me as to the problem. Any insights/recommendations would be appreciated.