Http posts not working since new update


Since the new update all of my http posts aren't working anymore. Does anybody else have this issue? I already contacted support but they havent answered yet....

I've been running quite a few today, calling out to a cloud hosted service, retrieving JSON data back. I applied the latest firmware update a day or two ago I think. What version are you running? I'm on

This has been noted in a couple other posts. It appears it isn't passing values specified in the body in Posts without a body still work. Retreating to fixes it.

@bravenel said he'd have a look.

We are putting out a hot fix today that fixes this.

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@bravenel I'm wondering if that's why my username:password uri's aren't working ? GET works but POST doesn't.

Same here, working before the upgrade. Sounds like the guys have found the problem ?

I can confirm that resolved the issue for me.

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Hmm guess it doesn't fix my issue.