Http get decoding

Basically is just building a string and storing it as an attribute. Hollar if you get stuck….

i dont even know where to begin, neither the drives im looking at make much sense

ok ive got this, is it right lines

SimpleDateFormat sdf= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd")

for (i=1;i<iCalMap.event.size()+1;i++){
    wkStr = iCalMap.event["$i"].start
    endStr = wkStr.indexOf("T")
    wkStr = wkStr.substring(0,endStr)

today = sdf.format(new Date()).toString()
if (today==wkStr) {
      String attrStr = "<table id='eventTable'>"

    attrStr += addToAttr("Date","start")
    attrStr += addToAttr("Description","summary")
attrStr += "</table>"

updateAttr("html", attrStr)


OK this line throwing an error

wkStr = wkStr.substring(0,endStr)

2021-06-05 04:11:38.848 pm errorjava.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1 on line 105 (getdata)
put log on it

-1 says whatever you were doing an indexOf on wasn’t found

soz dont understand, this is event 7-9, imassumin it dose them in order, but usure why logging started at 8
7:[start:20210718T141500Z, end:20210718T144500Z, location:St John's Shopping centre, Preston PR1 1FB, UK, status:CONFIRMED, summary:COVID-19 vaccination appointments],
8:[start:20210502T141000Z, end:20210502T145500Z, location:St John's Shopping centre, Preston PR1 1FB, UK, status:CONFIRMED, summary:COVID-19vaccination appointments],
9:[start:20210430T140000Z, end:20210430T150000Z, status:CONFIRMED, summary:Pick up kids]

Try this

    SimpleDateFormat sdf= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd")
    attrString = "<table>"
    for (i=1;i<iCalMap.event.size()+1;i++){
        wkStr = iCalMap.event["$i"].start
        endStr = wkStr.indexOf("T")
        wkStr = wkStr.substring(0,endStr)
        today = sdf.format(new Date()).toString()

        if (today==wkStr) {
            attrString+="<tr><td colspan='2'>${evt.summary}</td></tr>"
            attrString+="<tr><td colspan='2'>${evt.location}</td></tr>"

errorjava.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot get property 'event' on null object on line 101 (getdata
101 is

for (i=1;i<iCalMap.event.size()+1;i++){

Are you in the method where you build the map - it’s saying the map is empty.

yea, i was tydying up and had moved the hasmap back into the try!

2021-06-05 04:31:52.678 pm errorjava.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1 on line 105 (getdata)

wkStr = wkStr.substring(0,endStr)

put debugin on both those lines

what does the line that starts:

endStr =

look like?

If it’s in the date checking then you have an invalid date, may need to put an

if (endStr > 0)

in there

endStr = wkStr.indexOf("T")
        log.debug "endStr= $endStr"
        wkStr = wkStr.substring(0,endStr)
        log.debug "wkStr= $wkStr"
        today = sdf.format(new Date()).toString()

what does the "T" do?

The “T” is the delimiter in the datetime string from the calender, i.e. 20210605T113900 - date on one side of the T time on the other side

empty at the end. some entrys dont have time with them

for (i=1;i<iCalMap.event.size()+1;i++){
        wkStr = iCalMap.event["$i"].start
        endStr = wkStr.indexOf("T")
        log.debug "endStr= $endStr"
        if (endStr > 0){
        wkStr = wkStr.substring(0,endStr)
        log.debug "wkStr= $wkStr"
        today = sdf.format(new Date()).toString()

        if (today==wkStr) {
            attrString+="<tr><td colspan='2'>${evt.summary}</td></tr>"
            attrString+="<tr><td colspan='2'>${evt.location}</td></tr>"
    log.debug "attrstring= $attrString"

found it
if (today==wkStr) {
set to
if (today>=wkStr) {



Empty attrString says that you have no events for today, but the -1 tells me you’re getting some start dates recorded that aren’t valid.

What does evt look like or did you store the end date/time?

it only looks like it returning 1 event and thier is no date, just time

ok i get some of it, alot of my events are all day so thier is no T in the date

I didn’t pull the date out (was assuming it was today and not needed), could add

            attrString+="<tr><td colspan='2'>"+wkStr.substring(6,8)+"-"+wkStr.substring(4,6)+"-"+wkStr.substring(0,4)+"</td></tr>"

right after the if to include it.

On the no “T” could always set endStr = 8, but then we need to handle the time in the table .

geeting there

what does this do, do i need the end string?
wkStr = wkStr.substring(0,endStr)