HSM Temperature Alert

Have a sensor in my freezer to monitor the temperature. I added an HSM custom rule to alert me. For testing, I set it to alert me when temperature is equal to or above 5. When I arm it, I end up seeing this in the log and it is not alerting me. Let me know if I can provide any other details. Maybe I'm setting it up incorrectly?

2018-09-20 17:42:25.819 error java.lang.ClassCastException: null (tempHandler)

Thanks for reporting that. It's a bug, identified, soon to be fixed.

Thanks for confirming!

Looks like this is still an issue on

2018-10-04 15:08:22.010:errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "2.57" (tempHandler)

Was that the entire error message?

This is what I see in the log:

app:2392018-10-04 15:08:22.008 error java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "2.57" (tempHandler)

app:2392018-10-04 15:02:26.469 error java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1.60" (tempHandler)

app:2392018-10-04 14:56:30.978 error java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "0.65" (tempHandler)

app:2392018-10-04 14:39:43.657 error java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "-0.31" (tempHandler)

app:2392018-10-04 14:31:49.639 error java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "0.61" (tempHandler)

app:2392018-10-04 14:24:54.878 error java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1.59" (tempHandler)

app:2392018-10-04 14:02:11.801 error java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "2.57" (tempHandler)

Could you show me a screenshot of the Custom Rule?

Also, could you show a screenshot of the Apps Status page for that custom rule (circle i to the right of its name on the Apps page).

First screenshot is the custom rule. Second is the apps status page.

OK, found that bug. Hidden behind the first bug you reported. Will get a fix out soon.

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Thank you sir! If you can, let me know what version it is fixed in. I can also just report back after every firmware update.

This will probably come out in a hot fix for 1.1.5. Don't know exactly when, but I'll try to remember to let you know.

Thanks again!

We just pushed out a hot fix that has this fix in it. Should work for you now.

No longer seeing the errors in the log. Thank you!!