HSM not restoring lights after cancel

Do you have lights for alerts? If yes, after canceling an alert, is HSM restoring the lights to the settings they had before the alert? Not working for me, I don't know why. Thanks

Directly in the cancel button in HSM, but in the past just putting the pin on the keypad it restored the lights too, now nothing. Thanks

I just tried an Intrusion away and a smoke and both reset the lights to the settings they were at before the alert.

Do you have the lights individually selected in HSM or you chosen a group of lights?

The siren will take forever to turn off sometimes, it's a zwave siren. It's like the mesh gets clogged with all the lights turning on.

Thanks for doing the test.

Well, the more commands you try to issue at once, the longer it takes to complete. That's just the nature of the beast.

You did not reply my question

Do you have the lights individually selected in HSM or you chosen a group of lights? I have a group, maybe that's my problem. Thanks

I have individual but either way, a device is a device is a device. If you turn on a group, when HSM is reset, the group will turn off. But if that group is large, it might take a long time to turn them all off again is what I'm saying.

Ok, is not restoring anything for me, I will choose individual lights, maybe that solve the problem.

From a post back in Nov when I was experiencing the same problem. Dunno...maybe it broke again.

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See this post: HSM strange behavior - #11 by bravenel

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