I switched over everything from Iris to HE yesterday and overall I'm pretty impressed with the speed and range (everything is connected in my external garage even when Iris continuously had issues). I do have some lingering questions for using my HE as an alarm.
I have several door contact sensors, plan to setup a couple motion sensors, and a Iris v3 keypad (waiting for the batteries for the newly purchased Iris v2 keypads and then will have those as well). I installed HSM and configured it for which sensors will trip the alarm and having some delays for arming/disarming.
My question is about sounds during the delays. The keypad makes a couple beeps initially (arming or after opening a door with the system armed) but then it is silent until the alarm text message gets sent out that the alarm is going off. With Iris and other alarm systems, you would have beeps during this time to let you know that an alarm is about to go off. So is there a configuration that I'm missing or is there a way to have the keypad beep during the delay?
Or (and likely better), can my Alexa say something when a door is opened and count down? And then say something when the alarm goes off? I'd be fine using a different smart speaker if I need to but I already have a few echo devices.
Also, is there an easy way to see a log or history of what tripped the alarm? Or what has been happening with other devices recently?
Also, I don't seem to see how I can use the dashboard to change my thermostat settings?