HSM and RM button/switches

HSM has an option to arm/disarm with buttons but not switches
Cancel Alert options: has both buttons and switches option

Rule Machine is missing button options.

perhaps just display all buttons as switches

If Rule Machine is not showing button options it would be because you don't have any button devices. It only shows options for devices you have.

hmm they showed up in HSM but not RM
even the life360 refresh button does not show up in RM
I might have to uninstall RM and re-install it

You don't need to uninstall it, that won't change anything. Are you trying to use a button in a rule? That won't work as buttons don't have state. You can use a button in a trigger. RM will show you which devices you don't have. Is button listed?

ok I found it
I had worked around it by using a generic switch device handler for the button
now I can put it back


From HSM:

Maybe I miss it but I couldn't find an option to fire a RM or switch when an Alarm is triggered on HSM. I know I can make an triggered RM but this will drive me to have my Alarm design in separately modules and I think is not correct.

bravenel I'm sorry to bother you again but I wonder if it is to difficult to implement Actions on Switches and/or fire RM as well on this screen?:

If you look under light alerts you should find any switches that you have linked with hubitat. It lists everything with the switch capability.

Nop Ryan780, that's the point....
Under "Configure Intrusion-Home Light Alerts" we only get:

  • Select Light to turn
  • Select Light to Flash
  • Select Color Bulb to Set

No option for trigger switches in HSM.

When it says "light to turn on", that means a switch.

You can use RM to trigger from HSM alerting. You don't need an intermediary switch to do it.

1st point: That was my confusion... now I see it... (maybe to change that label on next release will help others too :wink: )

2nd point: Ok.... I can do that, no problem... thanks proffesor.