HSM Alert not setting bulb color..log errors

This might have been broken for a while but I only recently noticed (had a small leak). When a Water alert is triggered by HSM, my text and audio alerts are received but my lights do not change color and generate the following error.

I completed removed and readded HSM but the problem persists. Here's the relevant part of my HSM config.

That's very odd. It works for me. What build are you on?

The latest version but I first noticed it before I upgraded. The lights are Hue Groups. There were other Hue Groups inthe list before I uninstalled and reinstalled. They all generated the same error.

Sorry, but it must have something to do with the Hue Group then. I can tell you that HSM sends the setColor command correctly. That's a device error in your logs. This is a device problem, and I'm not the right person to help you with that.

Okidoki. Next up.

Mike, in HSM, I'm attempting to set the Hue group to "blue" and it generates the error.
@bravenel, for reference, I can do essentially the same command in RM 3.0 and it works fine.

The only difference between HSM and RM 3.0 is that HSM uses hue=70 for Blue and RM uses hue=66. Otherwise, the code is the same, calling the same device method (setColor) with the same values.

Does it throw the error with Red? What happens when you set Blue from the device page?

I just typed "blue" and hit setColor.

From the device page? That's not how it works.

Please elaborate. How does it work?


Oh...yeah..passing the colormap works fine.

Do you have debug logging turned on for the device? If not, turn it on and see what is there when HSM sends the setColor command.

No option for debug logging.

OK, beyond my pay grade. Sorry, I have no familiarity with Hue Groups.

Lol..no worries..we can wait for Mike's input. Not urgent and it is Sunday night.

Any thoughts?

None yet...

Any luck figuring this one out yet, @bravenel @mike.maxwell?
Anything you can do to restore this functionality would be appreciated...it's an important component to my HSM usage.

I tested with a regular bulb and it works as expected, I currently don't have a hue bridge setup, so I was not able to test that. There haven't been any changes in the Hue integration in quite some time, so I'm at a loss as to why it would have broken recently for hue groups only.

It works fine with RM....so my guess is that the answer lies in whatever subtle difference there is with the command RM sends to change the bulb color and the command that HSM sends.