HREF syntax?

Is there a way to create a "normal", blue, underlined link using the href tag?

I've followed the developer docs at App Preferences | Hubitat Documentation, but I can only render a gray box that I can click on to open a link.

While it functionally works, I'd like to add a standard style link to an app page.

My code looks like:

          href name: "example",
               title: "<B>See it in action:</B>",
               state: "null",
               url: "",
               params: "none",
               description: "Click to make a HTTP request. (This will open a new window).",
               style: "external"


That's the normal behavior of href(). If you want something else, you can take advantage of the fact that you can use HTML in paragraph(), so something like this would work:

paragraph '<a href="something">My link</a>'


Thank you. I was overthinking it. Much appreciated.