How to turn on zwave outlet with TV

Hello All-

Currently I have a zwave outlet that is turned on via Logitech Harmony when I run activities on there such as watch tv, watch apple tv, etc. I have a pair of led lights on the back of the TV that are plugged into the zwave outlet. This is working through the integration with SmartThings and Logitech Harmony. Since that doesn't seem to be a possibility at the moment with Hubitat and Logitech Harmony, I was wondering if anyone else had some ideas on how to achieve this. It is the last integration I need the SmartThings hub for, so I would like to find a way to get it off of there so I can unplug it.

Let me know if you need any additional details. Thanks!

What doesn't seem to be a possibility? I do this today using just Harmony updates.

I use the following two Harmony integrations:

  1. Harmony Connect - HubitatHarmony/app at master ยท mattw01/HubitatHarmony ยท GitHub

  2. Harmony Hub Instant Updates - [Deprecated] Harmony hub instant status updates using node.js app

I look for when the switches for my activities turn on/off and then control the RGB lights behind the TV accordingly.

Here is my Rule in RM:


Awesome! I wasn't aware you could use it that way. I think this would be perfect. Have you had any issues with this? I thought I had read something about a token or something.

Thanks for sharing! I'll likely switch to this.

Do you have ST? If not no biggie! You could modify @destructure00 Node.JS to only turn on/off the RGB. Actually this would be easier if that is your only goal. OR you can create virtual switches for each activity and still use the Node.JS file to turn on/off switches.

I'm in the process of setting this up now. I just need to pair the zwave outlet with Hubitat and should be good to go.

Thanks for your help!

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