I'm monitoring the UPS Supply voltage as well as the UPS battery voltage.
Here is the rule but the send POST isn't working.
Any Ideas? From my searches this should work, I don't have hub login security enabled.
I'm monitoring the UPS Supply voltage as well as the UPS battery voltage.
Here is the rule but the send POST isn't working.
Any Ideas? From my searches this should work, I don't have hub login security enabled.
This isn't going to work the way you want.
But your rule is not being trigger off of them. It's being triggered off of another rule firing. Unless that rule fires every time there is a voltage change, then this isn't going to work. And if it is triggering off of every voltage change, you should do everything in that rule rather than in two rules. They're going to run simultaneously.
You are going to get the shudown message but the hub isn't going to shutdown unless the batter voltage is below what you have specified at the time the notification happens. So, if you get the notification once, when the hub goes to battery, the hub will never shutdown because the rule will only be triggered once. Also, why do you have the message saying the hub is shutting down outside outside of an IF about the voltage. If the voltage is over 4.4 you're still going to get a message that the hub is shutting down even if it is not.
Thanks @TechMedX !
Ryan, I set up the rule to run immediately when I hit "run actions"
Shutdown was kinda messy though. Lost my database and had to restore.
Fortunately I had a backup from earlier today.
Time to make a backup.
If you're going to go into the Hubitat UI, why not just shutdown the hub from the shutdown button in settings? You rule is triggering off of another rule. If you don't want that to be the trigger you should remove it.
This should not have happened. I would contact support.
Tried that with a previous issue, they don't respond.