How to send notification every 10th increment of variable?

I have a global variable that counts an event and want to receive a notification when it reaches 10, and at 20, 30, 40, etc. I know there's a cleaner way than to have expressions saying, "when variable x = 10 OR when variable x = 20 OR when variable x = 30", etc. I'm looking for a way to say something like, when the remainder of variable x/10 = 0. How would I do this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Ok, I have this so far. I created a second global variable called Variable X Remainder. Then created a new rule that triggers when Variable X is changed, with the action Set Variable X Remainder to (Variable X % 10.0).
Now I can make another rule that says if Variable X Remainder becomes 0.0, send me a notification including Variable X's value.
Still seems pretty messy though...

Maybe set the variable to zero every time it gets to 10? Also note you can use a local variable (local to the one RM rule) rather than a Global one (if you don't want to use the value anywhere else, outside that one rule).

I cleaned it up a bunch by putting it all into one rule. I did need to keep the total count global, though, because I use another rule to reset it to zero on the first of every month (it's a counter for how many of my 100 allotted monthly phone calls from the IFTTT Phone Call service).

I don't suppose there is a MOD function available. That is,

If X MOD 10 = 0 THEN

My final iteration looks like this. The variables are: local - 'IFTTT call count modulo', global - 'IFTTT phone call count'. The virtual point Call Trigger has a 2 second auto off, and there is another rule that resets 'IFTTT phone call count' to zero on the first of every month.