HE log for Sharptool Rule
2021-02-06 12:59:55.379 debugParsed hubitat.zwave.commands.multichannelv4.MultiChannelCmdEncap@f9e4d7 to [['name':switch1, 'value':'off'], ['name':'switch', 'value':'off']]
It's been a while sine I used this setup. But I notice "on1" in your rule. Are you referencing the switch "Heating Boiler" as being the SSR302 or are you directly referencing one of the channels. (I hope I'm making sense here)
For the moment I can use SharpTools Rule Manager as a Failover when the Sync fails.
But would expect if I can control a switch from Sharptools Rule Engine into HE, the HE Rule Engine should be able control the same device in HE shouldn't it?
Those two aren't exactly the same. You are passing two string parameters to on1 () and one string parameter to on(), as shown in your actions list, with all parameters being "on". Are you sure you even need to pass a parameter to the custom commands? It's rare for on() to take a parameter as a standard command--it's not part of the capability requirements--but it's impossible to say what your device expects without seeing more. Are you using a custom driver? If so, can you share that? Alternatively, the device page will show you what parameters, if any, a device can (or must if marked with an asterisk) take and what type they need to be. One of your errors looks a lot poke you're passimg a string when it should be an integer or other numeric type.
So in Sharptools Rule Engine
In Flow I select
Heating Boiler on Heating
Then choose from a drop down list of
If I select xx1 it turns on/off Radiators
If I select xx2 it turns on/off Hot Water
I don't use the basic on/off as that is the actual boiler and it responds to xx1/2 above
In HE Rules
Select Switch/Heating Boiler/on1 then option to set a parameter
With no parameter set the Boiler - radiators do not turn as they do with same action in Sharptools
and withHE Rule you get the follwoinginthe log
app:5002021-02-06 18:42:34.801 errorjava.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "on" on line 6425 (appButtonHandler)
app:5002021-02-06 18:42:34.782 infoAction: on1() on Heating Boiler